
Frontline Perspectives: Performance and Outlook of the Global Real Estate Industry

About This Event

With a turbulent economic environment, the Global Corporate Real Estate, North American CMBS and European CMBS sectors are facing varying headwinds. DBRS Morningstar’s medium-term outlook for GCRE remains negatively tilted, while North American CMBS is facing emerging cracks in the office sector and softening in both multifamily and industrial. Meanwhile, EU CMBS is expecting a challenging year with several transactions reaching loan maturity when market values are generally declining.

In this Frontline Perspectives webinar, we will discuss the challenges for these sectors including higher interest rates, inflation, physical occupancy, and opportunities.

The presentation will feature Chris Tsichlas, Senior Vice President of Corporate Real Estate, Steven Jellinek, Vice President of CRE, and Mirco Iacobucci, Head of European CMBS who will review Q1 performance and discuss expectations for the rest of 2023. The discussion will last approximately 40 minutes and will be followed by Q&A session for the audience to participate in the conversation.

Date: March 28 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m. EST/3:00 p.m. GMT

(1) Click on the following link or copy and paste it into your web browser a few minutes before the webinar starts: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/15677/574981?utmsource=web&utmmedium=brighttalk&utm_campaign=574981

(2) Register with BrightTalk (registration only needed once) or sign in if you already have an account.

If you are unable to participate in the webinar, please note that there will be a replay available under the same link following the event.

For questions regarding this event, please contact [email protected].

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  • March 28, 2023
  • 60 minutes
  • Virtual


  • Brenda Lum
    Managing Director - North American Corporate Real Estate Ratings
    +(1) 416 597 7569
  • Mirco Iacobucci
    Senior Vice President, Sector Lead - European Real Estate Ratings
    +(44) 20 7855 6653
  • Christopher Tsichlas
    Senior Vice President, Sector Lead - North American Corporate Real Estate Ratings
    +(1) 416 597 7390
  • Steve Jellinek
    Vice President, Head of Research - North American CMBS
    +1 312 244 7908