
European RMBS Insight: Italian Addendum - Request for Comment (Archived)



DBRS Morningstar is requesting comments on the proposed new “European RMBS Insight: Italian Addendum” (the Italian Addendum) of the “European RMBS Insight Methodology” (the Methodology) and corresponding European RMBS Insight Model (the Model). The Italian Addendum and the Model may supersede the Italian Residential Mortgage Addendum of the “Master European Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Rating Methodology” published on 21 September 2020.

The Italian Addendum and Model present the criteria used to estimate defaults and losses for which Italian residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) and covered bonds ratings are assigned and/or monitored. The distressed sale discount, market value decline (MVD), and foreclosure cost assumptions, which are part of the Italian Addendum, will also be used for rating Italian small and medium-size enterprises (SME) and nonperforming loan transactions.

Comments should be received on or before 3 December 2020. Please submit your comments to the following email address: [email protected].