Press Release

DBRS Releases Updated Criteria Report for U.S. ABCP Conduits

August 21, 2009

DBRS has today released an updated version of the “Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Criteria Report: U.S. ABCP Conduits”, a methodology that gives an overview of the key risk factors when assessing the overall risk profile of U.S. ABCP conduits.

DBRS is in the distinctive position to offer more information to the CP investor by precisely reflecting the overall risk profile of the conduit through more granular ratings. The three short-term ratings of R-1 (low), R-1 (middle) and R-1 (high) allow DBRS to distinguish among enhanced conduit portfolios that range in credit quality from A (low) to AAA.

DBRS criteria and methodologies are publicly available on its website under Methodologies.