DBRS Requests Comments on Master U.S. ABS Surveillance Methodology
Auto, RMBS, OtherDBRS is requesting comments on its proposed Master U.S. ABS Surveillance Methodology. Comments should be received on or before February 26, 2010. Please submit your comments to the following e-mail address: dbrsabssurveillancecomments@dbrs.com. DBRS will publish a final methodology following the review and evaluation of all submissions.
The asset types discussed include the following:
•Auto Loans
•Auto Leases
•Auto Wholesale Loans
•Rental Cars
•Credit Cards
•FFELP Student Loans
•Private Student Loans
•Equipment Loans and Leases
•Insurance Premium Finance Loans
The methodology provides both an overview of surveillance procedures and insight into the credit philosophy DBRS utilizes in monitoring the performance of transactions it has rated. In each discussion of an asset type, an overview of credit considerations and performance metrics is presented, along with a discussion of their importance. A sample Performance Analytics Report (PAR) is also provided for each asset discussed. PARs are transaction-specific summaries of key performance metrics, and are intended to provide investors with an informative and user-friendly source of information on DBRS-rated transactions.
DBRS criteria and methodologies are publicly available on its website www.dbrs.com under Methodologies.