Press Release

DBRS Releases Report on Royal Bank of Canada

Banking Organizations
July 22, 2011

DBRS has today released a report on the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC or the Bank) and its related entities that supports the recent confirmation of their ratings, including RBC’s Deposits & Senior Debt at AA and Short-Term Instruments at R-1 (high). All trends are Stable.

The Bank’s ratings are underpinned by its highly diversified business model. This is reflected in its resilient performance, having generated average annual return on equity (ROE) of 17.6% since 1994 and a minimum annual ROE over this same period of 11.9% (2009). RBC’s diversified model consists of a superior domestic franchise, growing international businesses (wealth management and capital markets) plus solid credit and financial risk profiles.

Today’s report and the July 15, 2011, press release is available at or by contacting us at

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