Press Release

DBRS Publishes Master U.S. ABS Surveillance Methodology

Auto, RMBS, Other
December 06, 2011

DBRS has today published its finalized Master U.S. ABS surveillance methodology, which includes a new section on the surveillance of structured settlements transactions. The criteria describes the DBRS surveillance process including the rating committee process, the types of rating actions taken by rating committees, our disclosure policies and procedures, as well as the sector specific methodologies employed by DBRS in the ongoing monitoring of the following asset types:

•Auto Loan
•Auto Leases
•Wholesale Auto (Dealer Floorplan)
•Rental Cars
•Credit Cards
•Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) Student Loans
•Private Student Loans
•Equipment Loans and Leases
•Insurance Premium Finance
•Structured Settlements

As current ratings for U.S. ABS securitizations already reflect the finalized methodologies for the Auto Loan, Auto Lease, Wholesale Auto (Dealer Floorplan), Rental Car, Credit Card, Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) Student Loan, Private Student Loan, Equipment Loan and Lease and Insurance Premium Finance asset classes, DBRS is not taking rating actions in conjunction with their publication.

DBRS has conducted a review of its outstanding ratings for structured settlement transactions. The resulting rating actions may be viewed on the press release entitled “DBRS Takes Rating Actions on U.S. Structured Settlements ABS Transactions”, published December 6, 2011.

DBRS criteria and methodologies are publicly available on its website under Methodologies.