DBRS Takes Rating Actions on U.S. RMBS Securities
RMBSDBRS, Inc. has today taken rating actions on 1,539 classes from 233 U.S. Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) transactions. Of the 1,539 classes reviewed, all classes were confirmed. The 1,539 classes were also removed from Under Review with Developing Implications (see “DBRS Places 6,566 Classes from 576 U.S. RMBS Transactions Under Review”, published on January 23, 2012).
A majority of the U.S. RMBS transactions affected by the rating actions are backed by residential mortgages from collateral consisting primarily of subprime, prime and Alt-A products.
The rating actions are a result of DBRS applying its updated U.S. RMBS Surveillance methodology dated January 23, 2012. The methodology describes the application of the DBRS RMBS Insight model in the surveillance process (see “RMBS Insight: U.S. Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Loss Model and Rating Methodology” on www.dbrs.com).
For the confirmed classes, current asset performance and credit support levels are consistent with the current rating.
The principal methodologies applicable are U.S. RMBS Surveillance Methodology, dated January 2012 and RMBS Insight: U.S. Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Loss Model and Rating Methodology, dated January 2012, which can be found on our website under Methodologies.