DBRS Confirms Bay Street Funding Trust at R-1 (high) (sf)
ABCPDBRS has confirmed the Short-Term ABN, Series 1, Class A Notes of Bay Street Funding Trust at R-1 (high) (sf). The rating confirmation is based on an amendment made to Transaction #32 on November 27, 2012.
As part of DBRS’s ongoing efforts to increase the transparency of its reporting on asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) conduit activity, DBRS has today released a Transaction Summary report providing details of Transaction #32, which consists of a portfolio of program and non-program rental vehicles.
All figures are in Canadian Dollars unless otherwise noted.
The related regulatory disclosures pursuant to the National Instrument 25-101 Designated Rating Organizations are hereby incorporated by reference and can be found by clicking on the link to the right under Related Research or by contacting us at info@dbrs.com.
The applicable methodologies are Rating Canadian Rental Car Securitizations, Rating Canadian ABCP, Legal Criteria for Canadian Structured Finance and Hedge Counterparty Criteria for Canadian Structured Finance Transactions, which can be found on our website under Methodologies.