Rating Companies in the Publishing Industry (Archived)
Telecom/Media/TechnologyAvailable Documents
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Press Release:
- DBRS Confirms Quebecor Media Inc.’s Ratings
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- DBRS Confirms Rogers Communications Inc. at BBB, Stable Trend
- DBRS Downgrades Transcontinental to BBB (low), Pfd-3 (low), Stable Trends
- DBRS Confirms Thomson Reuters at BBB (high), R-2 (high), Pdf-3 (high), Stable Trends
- DBRS Downgrades Quebecor Media Inc.’s Senior Notes to B (high) Following Refinancing
- DBRS Downgrades Thomson Reuters to BBB (high), R-2 (high), Pdf-3 (high), Stable Trends
- DBRS Publishes Two Corporate Methodology Updates and One Criteria Update; No Rating Impact
- DBRS Rates Thomson Reuters Corporation’s $1.5 Billion Notes Issuance BBB (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Rates Thomson Reuters Corporation’s $500 Million Notes Issuance BBB (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Rates Transcontinental Inc.’s $250 Million Private Senior Unsecured Notes Issuance at BBB (low)
- Anil Passi
Managing Director, Credit Ratings - Credit Operations
+1 416 597 7322 - Kent Wideman
Managing Director, Global Esoteric Finance - Internal Audit
+(1) 416 597 7535