Press Release

DBRS Publishes Updated Methodologies for Canadian Structured Finance

Auto, Equipment
October 30, 2014

DBRS has today released updated versions of the following methodologies:
-- Rating Canadian Auto Retail Loan and Lease Securitizations
-- Rating Canadian Auto Fleet Lease Transactions
-- Rating Canadian Rental Car Fleet Securitizations
-- Rating Canadian Equipment Finance Securitization Transactions
-- Rating Canadian Floorplan Securitizations

DBRS does not view the updates as significant and has determined that the updated methodologies will not result in any impact on existing Canadian structured finance ratings.

The changes made to the updated methodologies are generally editorial in nature and are intended to provide further clarity and increased transparency into DBRS’s rating approach.

The updated methodologies supersede the versions previously published in October 2013. They are applied in conjunction with DBRS’s “Legal Criteria for Canadian Structure Finance,” and if applicable, “Rating Canadian ABCP” and/or “Derivatives Criteria for Canadian Structured Finance.”

Publication of the updated methodologies is part of DBRS’s ongoing efforts to provide greater transparency to the ratings process by outlining the various factors that DBRS considers when evaluating transactions from each of the asset classes.