DBRS Publishes Two Updated Corporate Finance Methodologies
Telecom/Media/TechnologyDBRS has today published two updated corporate finance methodologies:
-- Rating Companies in the Printing Industry, and
-- Rating Companies in the Publishing Industry.
These criteria both supersede criteria previously published in July 2014. While the grid for the business risk assessment (see discussion of nomenclature change below) has been realigned somewhat in each case, changes overall are not substantive and DBRS has determined that no ratings will change as a result of these updates.
DBRS has changed certain nomenclature in these two methodologies as follows. The “industry risk rating” (IRR) is now called the “industry risk assessment” (IRA). The “business risk rating” (BRR) is now called the “business risk assessment” (BRA). Finally, the “financial risk assessment” (FRA) is now called the “financial risk assessment” (FRA). All of DBRS’s corporate methodologies will reflect this change in nomenclature as each is republished over the next year.
DBRS rating definitions and the terms of use of such ratings are available at www.dbrs.com.
DBRS’s methodologies and criteria are available at www.dbrs.com or by contacting us at info@dbrs.com.