DBRS Ratings Limited Requests Comments on Six Corporate and Financial Institution Methodologies
Energy, Consumers, IndustrialsDBRS Ratings Limited is requesting comments on the following corporate and financial institution global methodologies:
(1) Rating Companies in the Asset Management Industry (dated January 2015);
(2) Rating Companies in the Consumer Products Industry (dated October 2014);
(3) Rating Companies in the Engineering and Construction Industry (dated June 2015);
(4) Rating Companies in the Industrial Products Industry (dated June 2015);
(5) Rating Companies in the Services Industry (dated June 2015); and
(6) DBRS Recovery Ratings for Non-Investment Grade Corporate Issuers (dated February 2015).
DBRS Ratings Limited is requesting comments prior to usage of these global methodologies in Europe. DBRS Ratings Limited does not currently issue any ratings using these methodologies, although the expectation is that it will do so in the future. There is, therefore, no effect on any ratings.
Comments should be received on or before July 24, 2015. Please submit comments to the following email addresses: Financial.Institutions.Comments@dbrs.com (for Rating Companies in the Asset Management Industry) or Corporate.Finance.Comments@dbrs.com (for all others). DBRS Ratings Limited will publish on its website all comments received except in cases where confidentiality is requested by the respondent. DBRS Ratings Limited will also publish any of the above methodologies that change as a result of comments received through this process.
DBRS rating definitions and the terms of use of such ratings are available at www.dbrs.com.
DBRS’s methodologies and criteria are available at www.dbrs.com or by contacting us at info@dbrs.com.