Critical Obligations Rating Criteria (Archived)
Banking Organizations, Financial Institutions, Non-Bank Financial InstitutionsAvailable Documents
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Press Release:
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- DBRS Confirms Nationwide at A (high), Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms Swedbank AB at A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms DNB Bank ASA at AA (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Lloyds Banking Group at A; Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms AA (high) Rating on Bankia Covered Bonds
- DBRS Confirms Danske Bank A/S at ‘A’, Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Nordea Bank AB at AA (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms AA Rating on Banco Sabadell Covered Bonds
- DBRS Confirms CaixaBank S.A. Covered Bonds at AA (high)
- DBRS Confirms RBS at BBB (high), Trend Revised to Stable
- DBRS Confirms KBC Bank’s Senior Debt at A, Stable Trend
- DBRS Upgrades ABN AMRO Bank to A (high), Trend Now Stable
- DBRS Downgrades Deutsche Bank to A (low), Trend Now Stable
- DBRS Confirms Belfius’ Senior Debt at A (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms Banco Comercial Português Covered Bonds Ratings
- DBRS Assigns BBB Rating to UBI’s EUR 750 million Tier 2 Notes
- DBRS Confirms A (high) Ratings on Cajamar Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms A (high) Rating on Liberbank Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Santander – Senior at A, Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Svenska Handelsbanken AB at AA (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Assigns First-time Ratings to Banco BPM at BBB (low), Stable
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Abanca Cédulas Hipotecarias at A (high)
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Sabadell’s EUR 5 billion EMTN Programme
- DBRS Confirms Barclays Bank at A (high), Trend Revised to Negative
- DBRS Upgrades to AA (high) Ratings on Bankia Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Assigns AA Rating to Bankia Cédulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns AA Rating to Bankia Cédulas Hipotecarias Tap Issuance
- DBRS Confirms A (high) Ratings on Banco BPI Covered Bonds Programme
- DBRS Confirms Unione di Banche Italiane at BBB (high); Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Caja Rural de Granada Covered Bond Programme
- DBRS Confirms AA (high) Ratings on Banco Pastor Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms Banco de Investimento Imobiliàrio Covered Bonds Rating
- DBRS Confirms Sabadell’s Senior Ratings at BBB (high); Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms BBB Ratings on Novo Banco S.A. Soft Bullet Covered Bonds
- DBRS Confirms BNP Paribas’s Senior Ratings at AA (low); Stable Trend
- DBRS Assigns Critical Obligations Ratings to 33 European Banking Groups
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Santander Totta Covered Bonds, Series 19
- DBRS Places Intesa’s A (low) Rating URN after Sovereign Rating Action
- DBRS Revises Trend on ING Bank N.V.’s A (high) LT ratings to Positive
- DBRS Assigns AA Rating to Banco Sabadell S.A. Covered Bonds New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns AA Rating to Banco Sabadell S.A. Covered Bonds New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns AA Rating to Banco Sabadell S.A. Covered Bonds New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns A (high) Rating to Banco BPI S.A. Covered Bonds New Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Deutsche Bank’s A (low) Rating, Revises Trend to Negative
- DBRS Confirms Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB at A (high), Trend Stable
- DBRS Discontinues BBB Rating on Novo Banco S.A. Soft Bullet Covered Bonds
- DBRS Assigns AA (high) Rating to CaixaBank S.A. Covered Bonds New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns A (high) Rating to Cajamar Cédulas Hipotecarias New Issuances
- DBRS Assigns AA (high) Rating to CaixaBank, S.A. Covered Bonds New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns AA Rating to Banco Sabadell Cédulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns AA Rating to Banco Sabadell Cédulas Hipotecarias Tap Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Société Générale, S.A. Senior Debt at A (high); Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms AA (high) Ratings on Banco Popular Español Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Novo Banco S.A. Conditional Pass-Through Series 5
- DBRS Places Deutsche Bank’s “A” Rating Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Confirms Banco Popolare ratings following capital announcement; Stable Trend
- DBRS Assigns AA (high) Rating to Banco Popular Español Covered Bonds New Issuance
- DBRS Places Banco BPI S.A. Covered Bonds Under Review with Developing Implications
- DBRS Upgrades Irish Gteed LT Deposits of Bank of Ireland to A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Assigns New Rating to Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas at “A” UR-Negative
- DBRS Confirms Banco Comercial Portugues’ Senior Rating at BB (High); Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Bank of Ireland at BBB (high), Trend Changed to Positive on LT Ratings
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) Ratings to Banca Carige SpA Covered Bonds, Series 597 and 598
- DBRS Discontinues the Ratings of BPE Capital International and Popular Capital Europe
- DBRS Maintains Banco BPI S.A. Covered Bonds Under Review with Developing Implications
- DBRS Maintains Banco BPI S.A. Covered Bonds Under Review with Developing Implications
- DBRS Places Caixa Geral de Depósitos Ratings Under Review With Negative Implications
- DBRS Confirms Allied Irish Banks at BBB (low), Trend Changed to Positive on LT Ratings
- DBRS rates BNPP’s Inaugural Senior Non-Preferred Notes at A (high) with Stable Trend
- DBRS Releases Critical Obligations Rating Criteria
- DBRS Confirms UBI Ratings Following Acquisition Announcement; Trend Revised to Negative
- DBRS Confirms “A” Ratings on Novo Banco S.A. Conditional Pass-Through Covered Bonds
- DBRS Confirms Novo Banco Senior Long-Term Ratings at CCC (high), Trend Changed to Stable
- DBRS Downgrades Banca Carige S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 1) to BBB
- DBRS Downgrades Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena’s Senior Ratings to BB; Trend Negative
- DBRS Upgrades to AA Ratings on Banco Sabadell Cédulas Hipotecarias, Removes UR-Positive
- DBRS Downgrades BMPS’ State Guaranteed Notes to BBB (high) after Sovereign Rating Action
- DBRS Upgrades to AA (high) Ratings on CaixaBank Cédulas Hipotecarias, Removes UR-Positive
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) Rating to BPVI’s State Guaranteed Notes Under the Decree 237/2016
- DBRS Places Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Ratings Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Discontinues Rating on a Novo Banco Senior Note Gteed by Rep of Portugal After Repayment
- DBRS Upgrades Irish Gteed LT Deposits of Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. to A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Upgrades to AA (high) Ratings on Banco Pastor Cédulas Hipotecarias, Removes UR-Positive
- DBRS Places A (low) rating of BMPS’ State Guaranteed Notes URN after Sovereign Rating Action
- DBRS Assigns Final Rating of R-1 (low) to Sabadell’s Commercial Paper Programme; Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Irish Govt Gteed Deposits of Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. at A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Assigns ratings to CaixaBank’s Dated Subordinated debt and Subordinated Fixed Reset Notes
- DBRS Takes Actions on Nordea. Senior Ratings Confirmed at AA (low), Some Sub Debt Under Rev Neg.
- DBRS Changes CaixaBank’s Trend to Stable after Sovereign Rating Trend Change; Confirms A (low)
- DBRS Downgrades Banca Monte dei Paschi’s Senior Rating to B (low); Review Changed to Developing
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by ISP OBG S.r.l. Series 20
- DBRS Changes BBVA’s Trend to Stable after Sovereign Rating Trend Change; Confirms “A” rating
- DBRS Places Caixa Economica Montepio Geral Covered Bonds Under Review with Developing Implications
- DBRS Places Certain Sub Debt of 27 European Banking Groups Under Review With Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) Ratings to Veneto Banca’s State Guaranteed Notes Under the Decree 237/2016
- DBRS Downgrades Intesa Sanpaolo’s Senior Rating to BBB (high) after Sovereign Action; Stable Trend
- DBRS Initiates Ratings for Bankia SA – Senior Unsecured Long-Term Debt at BBB (high); Stable Trend
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high)/R-1 (low) Ratings to BMPS’ State Guaranteed Notes Under the Decree 237/2016
- DBRS Confirms Intesa Sanpaolo Covered Bonds Guaranteed by ISP OBG S.r.l. at A (high), Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank Covered Bonds (ACS – Mortgages) to AA (high)
- DBRS Confirms Santander Totta Covered Bonds Ratings at “A” and Assigns “A” Rating to Series 18
- DBRS’ Intrinsic Assessment for ISP Remains Unchanged at A (low); Snr Ratings Remain Under Review Neg
- DBRS Downgrades Banca Monte dei Paschi’s Senior LT Debt to B (high); Ratings Remain Under Review Neg
- DBRS Maintains “A” Ratings on BMPS CB2 Under Review with Negative Implications Following BMPS Downgrade
- DBRS Maintains “A” Ratings on BMPS CB2 Under Review with Negative Implications Following BMPS Downgrade
- DBRS Maintains A (high) Ratings on BMPS CB1 Under Review with Negative Implications Following BMPS Downgrade
- DBRS Maintains A (high) Ratings on BMPS CB1 Under Review with Negative Implications Following BMPS Downgrade
- DBRS Assigns AA (low) Rating on Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank Mortgage Covered Securities Programme Series 55
- DBRS Assigns AA (low) Rating on Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank Mortgage Covered Securities Programme Series 56
- DBRS Confirms Banco Comercial Português Covered Bonds Ratings, Keeps Under Review with Positive Implications
- DBRS Confirms Intesa Sanpaolo Covered Bond Programme Guaranteed by ISP OBG S.r.l. at A (high), Removes UR-Pos.
- DBRS Confirms “A” Ratings on Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 2)
- DBRS Upgrades Caixa Económica Montepio Geral Covered Bonds to A (high) Upon Restructuring in CPT, Removes UR-D
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Series 20 Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by UBI Finance S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by UBI Finance S.r.l. Series 21
- DBRS Confirms AA (low) Ratings on Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 1)
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by ISP OBG S.r.l. Series 21 and Series 22
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by UBI Finance S.r.l. Tap Issuance
- DBRS Confirms A (high) Ratings on Caixa Geral Depósitos S.A. Covered Bonds (Obrigações Hipotecárias - Mortgages)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Banco Popular Portugal S.A. Covered Bonds (Obrigações Hipotecárias – Mortgages) at BBB
- DBRS Downgrades to BBB Banco Popular Portugal Mortgage Covered Bonds, Removes Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Downgrades Caixa Economica Montepio Geral Covered Bonds (Obrigações Hipotecárias - Mortgages - CPT) to “A”
- DBRS Places Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by ISP OBG S.r.l. Under Review with Developing Implications
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Covered Bond Programme Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond Srl
- DBRS Maintains the Banco Comercial Português Covered Bonds Programme at A (low), Under Review with Positive Implications
- DBRS Assigns AA (low) Rating to Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank Mortgage Covered Securities Programme Series 57 and Series 58
- DBRS Confirms “A” Rating on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Banco Comercial Português Covered Bonds to “A”, Removes Under Review with Positive Implications
- DBRS Upgrades to A (high) Ratings on Caixa Geral de Depósitos Covered Bonds, Removes Under Review with Positive Implications
- DBRS Confirms AA (low) Ratings of Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by UBI Finance S.r.l., Removes UR-Pos
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Caixa Económica Montepio Geral Covered Bonds (Obrigações Hipotecárias - Mortgages - CPT) Series 6
- DBRS Assigns A (high) Ratings to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Covered Bond Programme Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond Srl., Series 19
- DBRS Assigns AAA Rating to Deutsche Bank AG Conditional Pass-Through Structured Covered Bonds Guaranteed by SCB Alpspitze UG, Series 2
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds Programme guaranteed by UBI Finance CB2 S.r.l., Series 5
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond 2 S.r.l., Series 20
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond 2 S.r.l., Series 21
- DBRS Maintains Rating on Banco de Investimento Imobiliário Covered Bonds Programme at A (low), Under Review with Positive Implications
- DBRS Assigns Provisional AAA Ratings to Deutsche Bank AG Conditional Pass-Through Structured Covered Bonds Guaranteed by SCB Alpspitze UG
- DBRS Finalises Provisional AAA Rating on Deutsche Bank AG Conditional Pass-Through Structured Covered Bonds Guaranteed by SCB Alpspitze UG
- DBRS Places BBB (high) Ratings on Banca Carige S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 1) Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns A (high) UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l., Series 21
- DBRS Assigns A (high) UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l., Series 22
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Caixa Económica Montepio Geral Covered Bonds (Obrigações Hipotecárias - Mortgages - CPT) - Series 7 and 8
- DBRS Assigns “A” UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2, Series 25
- DBRS Assigns “A” UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2, Series 26
- DBRS Assigns “A” UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2, Series 29
- DBRS Places Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2 Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns “A” UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2, Series 27 and 28
- DBRS Assigns “A” UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2, Series 22, 23 and 24
- DBRS Assigns AA (low) Rating to Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 1) – Series 22 Guaranteed by UBI Finance S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) UR-Neg. Rating to Banca Carige S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG - Mortgages - Programme 1) Series 636 Guaranteed by Carige Covered Bond S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns AA (low) Rating to Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds (OBG – Mortgages – Programme 1) Series 18 – Tranche 3 Guaranteed by UBI Finance S.r.l.
- DBRS Upgrades to “A” the Ratings of Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A. Covered Bonds Guaranteed by UBI Finance CB2 S.r.l., Removes Under Review with Positive Implications
- DBRS Confirms A (high) Ratings of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Covered Bond Programme Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond Srl, Maintains Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns “A” UR-Neg Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2, Series 26 Tranche 2 and Series 27 Tranche 2
- DBRS Confirms “A” Ratings of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. Covered Bonds 2 Guaranteed by MPS Covered Bond S.r.l. 2, Maintains Under Review with Negative Implications
- Elisabeth Rudman
Managing Director - Global Financial Institution Ratings
+(44) 20 7855 6655 - Roger Lister
Managing Director, Chief Credit Officer - Global FIG and Sovereign Ratings
+1 212 806 3231 - Alan G. Reid
Group Managing Director, Global Head of Fundamental Ratings - Credit Ratings Leadership
+(1) 212 806 3232
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