DBRS Publishes Commentary on Guide to DBRS Corporate Credit Estimate Process
Structured CreditDBRS has today published a commentary entitled “A Guide to DBRS Corporate Credit Estimates.”
A Credit Estimate is a useful tool for analysing unrated corporate obligors in collateralized loan obligation (or CLO) portfolios. Since 2011, DBRS has completed over 625 Credit Estimates for approximately 350 individual corporate issuers. This guide is intended to provide an overview of DBRS Credit Estimates, including:
-- What is a Credit Estimate?
-- How are Credit Estimates used?
-- How do Credit Estimates differ from ratings?
-- Overview of the DBRS Credit Estimate Analytical Process.
-- Surveillance of Credit Estimates.
-- Obligors that do not qualify for Credit Estimates.
-- Disclosure of Credit Estimates.
-- Information needed for a Credit Estimate.
-- DBRS Risk Scores.
A copy of this commentary is available by contacting us at info@dbrs.com.
For more information on this credit or on this industry, visit www.dbrs.com or contact us at info@dbrs.com.