DBRS Morningstar Publishes Updated Holdco and Parent/Subsidiary Relationship Criteria
DBRS Morningstar published DBRS Morningstar Criteria: Rating Corporate Holding Companies and Parent/Subsidiary Rating Relationships (the Methodology), after a periodic review of the previous version, DBRS Criteria: Rating Corporate Holding Companies and Their Subsidiaries published in November 2018.
The Methodology is focused on the key principles used in analyzing holding companies and parent/subsidiary relationships and replaces the more example-oriented approach used by its predecessor. Notwithstanding the different presentation of the Methodology, the concepts employed are not materially different from the prior version and no ratings will change as a result of this update.
DBRS Morningstar methodologies are publicly available on its website www.dbrs.com under Methodologies & Criteria.
For more information on this methodology or on this industry, visit www.dbrs.com or contact us at [email protected].