Rating Report

Navient Private Education Refi Loan Trust 2021-F: Presale Report

Student Loans

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DBRS, Inc. (DBRS Morningstar) assigned provisional ratings to the Navient Private Education Refi Loan Trust 2021-F (Navient 2021-F) notes (the Notes). The DBRS Morningstar ratings on the Notes address the timely payment of interest and the full payment of principal in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Navient 2021-F transaction documents. Navient 2021-F represents the 66th private education loan asset-backed securitization sponsored by Navient Solutions, LLC (Navient) along with legacy SLM Corporation (SLM), and the 32nd since the spinoff from SLM in 2014. Navient, formerly known as Navient Solutions, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Navient Corporation.

Available Documents

Navient Private Education Refi Loan Trust 2021-F: Presale Report

Sep 15, 2021