Rating the Communications Industry (Archived)
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Press Release:
- DBRS Confirms Vidéotron Ltée Ratings
- DBRS Confirms MTS at BBB and R-2 (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Bell Canada/BCE Inc. Ratings, Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms Rogers Communications at BBB, Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms Cogeco Cable Inc. at BBB (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Videotron Ratings at BBB (low) and BB (high)
- DBRS Confirms TELUS at A (low) and R-1 (low); Trends Stable
- DBRS Assigns BBB Rating to MTS’s $200 Million MTN Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Rogers Communications Inc. at BBB, Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Rogers Communications Inc. at BBB, Stable Trend
- DBRS Comments on the Closure of Cogeco’s PEER 1 Acquisition
- DBRS Confirms Shaw Communications at BBB, Pfd-3, Stable Trends
- DBRS Confirms Shaw Communications at BBB, Pfd-3, Stable Trends
- DBRS Comments on Cogeco Cable’s Sale of Cabovisão in Portugal
- DBRS Removes Cogeco from Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns A (low) Rating to TELUS’s $600 Million Notes Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Quebecor Media Inc. at BB (low)/BB (high), Trend Stable
- DBRS Places Cogeco Cable Inc. Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Places Cogeco Cable Inc. Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Confirms Bell Aliant at BBB, R-2 (middle) and Pfd-3, Stable Trends
- DBRS Confirms TELUS Corporation at A (low) and R-1 (low), Stable Trends
- DBRS Confirms TELUS Corporation at A (low) and R-1 (low), Stable Trends
- DBRS Assigns BBB Rating with Stable Trend to MTS $500 Million MTN Program
- DBRS Assigns A (low), BBB Ratings to Bell Canada $3.0 Billion Debt Program
- DBRS Rates Bell Canada’s $1 Billion MTN Debenture Issue A (low), Stable
- DBRS Rates Bell Canada’s $1 Billion MTN Debenture Issue A (low), Stable
- DBRS Rates Bell Canada’s $1 Billion MTN Debenture Issue A (low), Stable
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) Rating to Bell Aliant’s $1.0 Billion Notes Program
- DBRS Discontinues Ratings of Télébec and NorthernTel, Limited Partnerships
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) Rating to Bell Aliant’s $300 Million Notes Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Bell Aliant’s Ratings at BBB (high), R-1 (low), Stable Trends
- DBRS Places Bell Aliant Credit Ratings Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns A (low) Rating to Bell Canada’s $1 Billion MTN Debentures Issuance
- DBRS Assigns BBB Rating to Rogers Communications Inc.’s New Issue, Stable Trend
- DBRS Commentary: The Wireless Sector: From Revolution to Evolution and Back Again
- DBRS Comments on Shaw’s Announced Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement with Rogers
- DBRS Confirms Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. at BBB and R-2 (high), Stable Trends
- DBRS Downgrades Bell Aliant to R-2 (middle), BBB and Pfd-3, all with Stable Trends
- DBRS Notes $100 Million Increase in Shaw’s Pfd-3-Rated Issue of Preferred Shares
- DBRS Releases Six Updated Methodologies Providing Insight into DBRS Rating Process
- DBRS Assigns Pfd-3 (high) Rating to BCE Inc.’s $300 Million Preferred Share Issue
- DBRS Rates Cogeco’s US$400 Million Senior Unsecured Notes Issue BB / RR5, Stable
- DBRS Rates TELUS Corporation’s $1.7 Billion Notes Issuance A (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Rates TELUS Corporation’s $500 Million Notes Issuance A (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Rates TELUS Corporation’s $2.5 Billion Shelf Prospectus A (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Comments on the Investment of Bell Canada and Rogers Communications Inc. in MLSE
- DBRS Rates BCE Inc.’s $250 Million Preferred Share Issue Pfd-3 (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Rates Cogeco’s US$215 Million Senior Secured Notes Issue BBB (low) / RR1, Stable
- DBRS Rates Cogeco Cable Inc.’s $200 Million Debentures Offering BBB (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Rates Cogeco’s C$300 Million Senior Secured Debentures Issue BBB (low)/RR1, Stable
- DBRS Assigns Pfd-3 Rating to Shaw Communications Inc.’s $200 Million Preferred Share Issue
- DBRS Rates Vidéotron Ltée’s C$400 Million Senior Unsecured Notes Issue at BB (high)/RR2, Stable
- DBRS Assigns Pfd-3 Rating to Bell Aliant Preferred Equity’s $200 Million Preferred Shares Issuance
- DBRS Assigns BBB Rating to Bell Aliant’s $400 Million Senior Unsecured Debt Issuance, Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms BCE Inc. and Bell Canada’s Ratings Following its Announced Acquisition of Astral Media
- DBRS Assigns BB (high)/RR3 Instrument and Recovery Ratings to Vidéotron’s $300 Million Notes Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. at BBB and R-2 (high), Stable Trends, Following Sale of Allstream
- DBRS Assigns an Issuer Rating of BB (high) to Cogeco Cable Inc. Following the Acquisition of Atlantic Broadband
- DBRS Assigns Pfd-3 (high) Rating to Bell Aliant Preferred Equity Inc.’s $100 Million Preferred Shares Issuance
- DBRS Rates Quebecor Media Inc. US$850 Million and C$500 Million Senior Notes at BB (low), RR4, with Stable Trend
- DBRS Assigns BB (high)/RR2 Instrument and Recovery Ratings to Vidéotron Ltée’s USD 800 Million Notes Issuance
- Kam Hon
Managing Director, Diversified Industries - Global Corporates
+1 416 597 7543 - Kent Wideman
Managing Director, Global Esoteric Finance - Internal Audit
+(1) 416 597 7535
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