Rating Bank Capital Securities – Subordinated, Hybrid, Preferred & Contingent Capital Sec (Archived)
Banking Organizations, Financial Institutions, Non-Bank Financial InstitutionsRelated Documents
Press Release:
- DBRS Confirms DZ BANK at AA (low)
- DBRS: SEB Reports Solid FY14 Results
- DBRS: DNB Reports Strong 3Q14 Results
- DBRS: DNB Reports Robust Q2 2014 Results
- DBRS: Danske Reports Strong 3Q14 Results
- DBRS: SEB Reports a Solid Quarter in 3Q14
- DBRS: SEB Reports Solid Results in Q1 2014
- DBRS Withdraws Ratings on FB Funding
- DBRS Withdraws Ratings on Trustmark Corporation
- DBRS: BPVI Improves Capital & Profits in 1H14
- DBRS: Swedbank Reports Stable Results in 2Q14
- DBRS Withdraws Ratings on FIA Card Services, N.A.
- DBRS Confirms DNB Bank ASA at AA, Trend Stable
- DBRS Downgrades RBS to A (low), Negative Trend
- DBRS: DNB Reports Strong Q4; Good Cost Control
- DBRS Confirms BMPS at BBB with a Negative Trend
- DBRS: RBS 3Q14 Profits up on Impairment Release
- DBRS Confirms Nordea Bank AB at AA, Trend Stable
- DBRS Downgrades Danske Bank to 'A', Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms UBS AG at A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS: Nordea Reports Robust 4Q14 and FY14 Results
- DBRS Confirms PNC Financial at A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS: Regions’ 3Q14 IBPT Up QoQ on Higher Fee Income
- DBRS Withdraws Ratings on The Co-operative Bank plc
- DBRS: Bank of Hawaii 4Q - Consistent and Strong Results
- DBRS Confirms TD at AA and R-1 (high), Trends Stable
- DBRS: Fulton’s 3Q14 Earnings Lower on Mortgage Banking
- DBRS: KeyCorp’s 4Q13 Earnings Pressured Yet Consistent
- DBRS: Susquehanna’s 4Q Earnings Dip on Higher Expenses
- DBRS Confirms Barclays Bank at AA (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms ING Bank N.V. at AA (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms RBC at AA and R-1 (high), Trends Stable
- DBRS Confirms CIBC at AA and R-1 (high); Trends Stable
- DBRS Confirms HSBC Holding ratings at AA, Trend Stable
- DBRS: SEB Reports Strong Q4; Customer Growth Continues
- DBRS Confirms ABN AMRO; Bank at A (high), Trend Stable
- DBRS downgrades Co-operative Bank to BB, Trend Negative
- DBRS Confirms BMO Financial Corp. at AA (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms BBB (low) Rating for BPVI, Trend Negative
- DBRS Confirms Equitable Bank Rating at BBB, Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms National Bank at AA (low) and R-1 (middle)
- DBRS: AIB Returns to Profit in 1H14; Impaired Loans Fall
- DBRS: Fulton’s Earnings Pressured on NIM Decline, Expenses
- DBRS Confirms HSBC Bank Canada at AA (low), Trends Stable
- DBRS Withdraws Ratings on Espírito Santo Financial Group
- DBRS Assigns BBB Rating to Banco Popolare, Trend Negative
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Debt Issued by Bankinter Subsidiary
- DBRS Confirms Bankinter Ratings at A (low), Negative Trend
- DBRS Confirms CaixaBank Ratings at A (low), Negative Trend
- DBRS: BPAA 1H14 Profit Improves; Exclusive Talks with BPdM
- DBRS: E*TRADE’s 4Q13 Results Demonstrate Continued Momentum
- DBRS Confirms UBS AG at A (high), Trend Revised to Positive
- DBRS: Strong F&C Income Drives SEB’s Good Q2 2014 Results
- DBRS: SunTrust’s 4Q Core Results Continue to Trend Positively
- DBRS Confirms Susquehanna Bancshares at BBB (high); Stable Trend
- DBRS: Fulton’s 2Q14 Earnings Lower on BSA/AML Compliance Costs
- DBRS: MUAH’s 4Q Earnings Decline; Solid Loan & Deposit Growth
- DBRS: SunTrust’s 3Q14 Core Results Bolstered by Lower Expenses
- DBRS Confirms Banco Santander Ratings at A; Trend Now Stable
- DBRS Confirms Landesbank Berlin AG at A (high); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms Nationwide at AA (low); Trend Revised to Stable
- DBRS Confirms Swedbank at A (high); Trend revised to Positive
- DBRS Downgrades Co-operative Bank to BB (low), Trend Negative
- DBRS: DNB’s Fundamentals Continue to Improve; Solid Q1 2014
- DBRS: Lower Impairment Charge Boosts ABN AMRO’s 2Q14 Result
- DBRS Confirms Bank of Hawaii Corporation at A (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms HSBC USA Inc. Senior Debt at AA (low), Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms HSBC USA Inc. Senior Debt at AA (low), Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms KeyCorp’s Senior Debt at BBB (high); Trend Stable
- DBRS: Cullen/Frosts 4Q13 Earnings Increase QoQ on Higher Revenues
- DBRS Confirms Banco Popular Ratings at A (low), Negative Trend
- DBRS Confirms Bank of Montreal at AA, R-1 (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms FFPP’s A (low) Senior Debt Rating, Trend Neg.
- DBRS Withdraws FFPP Ratings; Debt Assumed by Spanish Treasury
- DBRS: Intesa SanPaolo 1H14 Results Highlight Improved Revenue
- DBRS: Restructuring and weak FICC lead to Barclays Q4 net loss
- DBRS: Veneto Banca Returns to Profit in 1H14; Improves Capital
- DBRS Confirms Fifth Third’s Senior Debt at A (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms Northern Trust Corporation at AA (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms SVB Financial Group at A (low); Trend Remains Stable
- DBRS Confirms TD Bank US Holding Company at AA (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms U.S. Bancorp Senior Debt at AA; Trend Remains Stable
- DBRS Confirms U.S. Bancorp Senior Debt at AA; Trend Remains Stable
- DBRS Confirms JPMorgan Chase & Co. at A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Banco Sabadell Ratings at A (low), Negative Trend
- DBRS Confirms Intesa SanPaolo rating at A (Low), Negative Trend
- DBRS: BCP Reports 2013 Net Loss, Adjustment Plan Still on Track
- DBRS Confirms Fulton Financial Corporation at A (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS: Associated’s 4Q13 Earnings Increase QoQ as Revenues Improve
- DBRS: Susquehanna’s 4Q13 Earnings decrease QoQ on Higher Expenses
- DBRS Confirms Credito Valtellinese at BBB (low); Negative Trend
- DBRS Confirms Permanent TSB at BB (low), Trend Remains Negative
- DBRS Confirms Svenska Handelsbanken AB at AA (low), Trend Stable
- DBRS Places BMPS Ratings Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS: Handelsbanken’s Strong Performance Continues in Q2 2014
- DBRS Confirms Associated Banc-Corp at BBB; Revises Trend to Positive
- DBRS: Citigroup Struggles in 4Q13, but Annual Progress Is Pronounced
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Subordinated Debt of European Banks
- DBRS Confirms M&T Bank Corporation at A (low); Maintains Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms Regions Ratings; Upgrades Bank Short Term: Stable Trend
- DBRS: City National Delivers Robust Growth, Record Net Income in 3Q14
- DBRS: Goldman’s 4Q Earnings Strong Despite Challenging Environment
- DBRS: SunTrust’s Core 2Q14 Results Improve; Broad-based Loan Growth
- DBRS: CA Group’s 3Q14 Net Income Up; Provisions Decline Further
- DBRS: KBC’s 3Q14 Net Income Up; Divestment Plan Fully Completed
- DBRS: Nordea Reports Solid Q1 Results; Progress on Cost Reductions
- DBRS: Swedbank Delivers Solid Q4 Results Despite Pressure on Costs
- DBRS: pbb’s 2013 Earnings Reflect Progress towards Privatisation
- DBRS: SIVB Reports Higher 3Q14 Net Income QoQ; Continued Strong Growth
- DBRS Confirms Bank of Ireland at BBB (high), Trend Remains Negative
- DBRS Confirms Canadian Western Bank Rating at A (low), Stable Trend
- DBRS: Handelsbanken Reports a Solid Quarter; Capital Remains Strong
- DBRS: Comerica’s Solid 4Q Reflecting Revenue, Loan and Deposit Growth
- DBRS: NYCB’s 3Q14 Earnings Increase QoQ on Higher Net Interest Income
- DBRS: Northern Trust’s 3Q14 Strong New Business, but Earnings Decline
- DBRS Withdraws Legacy Ratings of former Fortis Bank (Nederland) N.V.
- DBRS: Bankinter Reports Solid 1Q; Signs of Asset Quality Stabilising
- DBRS: Lloyds’ 3Q14 underlying profits up, but PPI charges continue
- DBRS: RBS 1H14 Prelim. Results up on Lower Impairments; Risks Remain
- DBRS Confirms Astoria Financial Corporation; Senior at BBB, Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms FirstMerit Corporation at A (Low), Changes Trend to Stable
- DBRS: Astoria’s 2Q14 Earnings Decrease QoQ on Higher Taxes; Lower PPNR
- DBRS: City National Reports Record 2Q14 Net Income, Loans, and Deposits
- DBRS Assigns BBB (low) Rating to Banca Sella Holding, Trend Negative
- DBRS Confirms Allied Irish Banks at BBB (low), Trend Remains Negative
- DBRS: Increased Impairments and Bank Tax lead to Q4 loss for ABN AMRO
- DBRS Confirms MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation at ‘A’; Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms Zions Bancorporation Senior Debt at BBB (low); Stable Trend
- DBRS: Capital One’s 4Q13 Earnings Weaker on Seasonality, Portfolio Sale
- DBRS: Citigroup Reports Solid 1Q14 Earnings; Headwinds Still Significant
- DBRS Confirms Wells Fargo & Company Senior Debt at AA; Trend Stable
- DBRS: Nordea Reports Further Growth in Customer Base; Solid 2Q Results
- DBRS: Swedbank Reports Solid 3Q14 Results; Further Cost Cuts Announced
- DBRS Confirms BB&T Corporation’s Senior Debt at A (high); Stable Trend
- DBRS Withdraws Rating on American Express Company Security CUSIP 025816AU3
- DBRS: Northern Trust’s 2Q14 Adjusted Earnings Improve; Shuffles Sr. Mgmt
- DBRS: Wells Fargo’s Stable 3Q14 Results Reflect Continued Organic Growth
- DBRS Confirms Lloyds Banking Group at A (high), Trend Revised to Stable
- DBRS: AIB Reports Higher CET1 Ratio and Reducing Impaired Loans in 3Q14
- DBRS: Bankinter Full Year Results Boosted by Recurrent Banking Revenues
- DBRS Confirms New York Community Bancorp, Inc. at BBB (high); Stable Trend
- DBRS: Fulton’s 4Q13 Earnings Increase QoQ on Lower Loan Loss Provisioning
- DBRS: Huntington Reports Improved QoQ Earnings Driven by Strong Loan Growth
- DBRS Confirms Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB at AA (low), Trend Stable
- DBRS: Intesa SanPaolo Reports 2013 Loss Driven by Balance Sheet Clean-up
- DBRS Confirms HSBC Finance Corporation, Senior Debt at A (low), Trend Stable
- DBRS: FMER’s 4Q Results Sound; Organic Loan Growth Drives Higher Provision
- DBRS: U.S. Bancorp 1Q14 Strong Performance Despite Seasonally Lower Revenues
- DBRS: VLY’s 3Q14 Results Highlighted by Solid Loan Growth & Lower Expenses
- DBRS: Wells Fargo Generates Strong 4Q13 Earnings Despite Weaker YoY Revenues
- DBRS: CaixaBank Solid IBPT in Q1 2014, Cost of Risk Continues to Improve
- DBRS: HSBC 1H14 Results Demonstrate Strong Balance Sheet; Cost Challenges
- DBRS: ING to Repay Final State Aid Early; Bank Reports Robust Q3 Results
- DBRS: City National’s 4Q13 Growth Remains Robust; Core Earnings Stable QoQ
- DBRS: SIVB’s 2Q14 Trends Remain Strong; FireEye Negatively Impacts Earnings
- DBRS: SunTrust Reports Positive Operating Leverage in 1Q14 on Lower Expenses
- DBRS: U.S. Bancorp 2Q14 Strong Performance Trend Continues; Solid Loan Growth
- DBRS: U.S. Bancorp 3Q14 Strong Performance Trend Continues; Solid Loan Growth
- DBRS Confirms Caixa Económica Montepio Geral at BBB (low), Negative Trend
- DBRS Discontinues Rating on Royal Bank of Canada Series W Preferred Shares
- DBRS: KBC’s Underlying Net Income is Holding Up; Lower Costs, Provisions
- DBRS: Nordea Reports Solid Q4 Results; Further Cost Efficiencies Announced
- DBRS: Santander’s Q1 2014 Earnings up on Lower Cost of Risk and Expenses
- DBRS: BB&T Corporation Generated Solid 1Q14 Earnings Despite Revenue Pressure
- DBRS: Regions’ IBPT Up QoQ on Higher Fee Income and Lower Expenses; Down YoY
- DBRS: SVB Financial Reports Record 1Q14 Earnings; Continued Broad-Based Growth
- DBRS: BNPP’s 3Q14 Net Income Up; Revenues Growth, Lower Provisions
- DBRS Discontinues Rating Citigroup Capital IX and XI Trust Preferred Securities
- DBRS: Astoria’s 4Q13 Earnings Increase QoQ on Higher Revenues; Lower Expenses
- DBRS: KeyCorp’s 4Q Lift on Higher Revenues; Strong Investment Banking Results
- DBRS: NYCB’s 4Q Boosted by Securities Gains; Core Results Dip on NIM Pressure
- DBRS: Trustmark’s 1Q14 Earnings Remain Sound; Increased QoQ on Lower Expenses
- DBRS: Bank of Ireland Continues To Improve Capital and Asset Quality in 3Q14
- DBRS Confirms City National Corporation’s Senior Debt at ‘A’; Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms State Street Corporation’s Senior Debt at AA (low); Trend Stable
- DBRS: Ally’s 2Q14 Earnings Higher on Strong Originations and Improving Margins
- DBRS: Bank of America’s 4Q13 Improved Performance Constrained By Legacy Issues
- DBRS: FMER’s Lower QoQ Earnings Reflect Lower Revenues; Sustained Loan Growth
- DBRS: M&T’s 4Q Avg Earning Asset Growth Modestly Increased Revenues; B/S Sound
- DBRS: Morgan Stanley 2Q14 Results Show Improving Returns and Revenue Stability
- DBRS: PNC Solid 4Q13 Earnings Benefit from a Resi Mtg Repurchase Reserve Release
- DBRS: Webster’s Lower QoQ Earnings Reflect OTTI Charge Related to Volcker Rule
- DBRS Confirms Caixa Geral de Depósitos at BBB (low), Trend Changed to Stable
- DBRS Confirms Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG - Senior at A (low), Trend Negative
- DBRS: Swedbank’s Fundamentals Remain Strong with Stable Earnings in Q1 2014
- DBRS: BB&T Corporation Generated Solid 4Q13 Earnings Despite Lower Core Revenues
- DBRS: Bank of Hawaii Reports 3Q14 Positive Operating Leverage; Strong Loan Growth
- DBRS: Bank of Hawaii Reports Higher 2Q14 Earnings; Favorable Balance Sheet Trends
- DBRS: COF Earnings Dip QoQ; Higher Expenses and Reserve Build Mask Revenue Growth
- DBRS: Trustmark’s 2Q14 Earnings Up on Loan Growth; Recoveries on Acquired Loans
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Goldman Sachs – Senior at A (high), Trend Stable
- DBRS Confirms BBVA Ratings – Issuer & Senior Debt at “A”; Negative Trend
- DBRS Confirms Bank of Nova Scotia Ratings at AA and R-1 (high), Trends Stable
- DBRS Confirms ICO Ratings – Senior Unsecured Debt at A (low), Negative Trend
- DBRS: Credit Suisse Reports Solid 3Q14 Results Driven by Strong IB Performance
- DBRS: Permanent tsb Reports Net Loss in 2013 Driven by High Impairment Charges
- DBRS: City National 4Q Results Sound with Continued Strong Loan and Deposit Growth
- DBRS: Huntington’s 1Q14 Earnings Contracted QoQ, Mostly Due to Non-core Expenses
- DBRS: Northern Trust’s Strong 4Q Results Benefit from Broad-based Revenue Growth
- DBRS: Zions’ 1Q14 Earnings Up QoQ, Due to Significant Noise; Core Earnings Down
- DBRS: ABN Reports Solid 3Q14 Results: Lower Impairments and Good Revenue Growth
- DBRS: BBVA Net Income recovery in 2013; results impacted by conditions in Spain
- DBRS: CA’s Q1 2014 Solid Results Confirm Business Model; Cost of Risk is Down
- DBRS Confirms SunTrust Banks, Inc.’s Senior Debt at A (low); Trend Remains Stable
- DBRS Upgrades E*TRADE to BB (low), E*TRADE Bank to BB (high); Trend Remains Stable
- DBRS: BNY Mellon; Improving Expense Control More Than Offsets Lower Revenue in 1Q14
- DBRS: Citigroup 4Q14 Disappoints with Continued One-Off Charges, Pressuring Returns
- DBRS: Fifth Third’s Adjusted Core Earnings Improved QoQ, Despite A Noisy Quarter
- DBRS: MS 4Q Results Benefit from Revenue Diversity, Stability Despite FIC Headwinds
- DBRS: VLY’s Reports Higher 2Q14 Pre-tax Income QoQ; Loan Growth, Margin Expansion
- DBRS Initiates Ratings Coverage of Credit Logement Assurance at AA (low), Stable
- DBRS Withdraws Debt Ratings of International Securities Trading Corporation plc
- DBRS: Impact of Updated Criteria on Bank Preferred and Preferred-Hybrids in the U.S.
- DBRS: State Street’s 4Q Operating Earnings Relatively Stable; FX Reserve Increased
- DBRS Confirms Caja Rural de Granada, S.C.C. at BBB (low); Trend Changed to Stable
- DBRS: Credit Suisse Ratings Unchanged After US Settlement, Trend Remains Negative
- DBRS: BB&T’s Earnings Down QoQ Due to FHA Reserves; Reports Broad-based Loan Growth
- DBRS: Fulton’s 1Q14 Earnings Flat QoQ; Improving Efficiency Despite Revenue Decline
- DBRS: Impact of Updated Criteria on Bank Preferred and Preferred-Hybrids in Europe
- DBRS Confirms The Bank of New York Mellon Corp.; Senior Debt at AA (low), Trend Stable
- DBRS: Citigroup 3Q14 Results Reflect Improved Performance; Exiting 11 Consumer Markets
- DBRS: Citizens Solid Results on Positive Operating Leverage, Execution on Initiatives
- DBRS: MUAH’s 3Q14 Earnings Relatively Stable QoQ Despite Negative Operating Leverage
- DBRS: Susquehanna’s 1Q14 Earnings decrease QoQ; Remix of Loans and Funding Continues
- DBRS: VLY’s 4Q One-time Items Result in Lower Net Income; B/S Fundamentals Improving
- DBRS: Wells Fargo Generates Solid 1Q14 Results Despite Difficult Operating Environment
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions Following Resolution of BES, Creation of Novo Banco, S.A.
- DBRS Confirms RBS Citizens Financial Group, Inc. Senior Debt at A (low), Trend Negative
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Morgan Stanley, Revises Trend to Stable – Senior at A (high)
- DBRS: BB&T’s 4Q Results Improved, Fee Income Growth Led by Higher Insurance Revenues
- DBRS: COF’s 2Q14 Earnings Up on Higher Interchange Fees and Lower Loan Loss Provision
- DBRS: Citizens Solid 3Q14 Adjusted Results on Earning Asset Growth, Good Cost Control
- DBRS: Comerica’s Core 1Q14 Earnings Declined QoQ Primarily Reflecting Lower Accretion
- DBRS: JPM Reports Solid 2Q14 Results Despite Continued Headwinds in CIB and Mtg Banking
- DBRS: KeyCorp’s 2Q14 Results Reflect Improved QoQ Spread Income and Solid Loan Growth
- DBRS: NYCB’s 1Q14 Earnings Decrease QoQ on Seasonally Lower Prepayment Penalty Income
- DBRS: PNC’s 1Q14 Earnings Down QoQ, Reflecting Lower Resi Mtg Repurch Reserve Release
- DBRS: Susquehanna’s 3Q14 Earnings Drop on Lower Revenues; Higher Loan Loss Provision
- DBRS: Danske Bank Reports Strong 2Q14, on Continued Progress on Costs and Provisions
- DBRS Confirms Trustmark Corporation – Issuer & Senior Debt at BBB (high); Trend Stable
- DBRS Places Ratings of City National Corporation Under Review With Positive Implications
- DBRS: BNY Mellon’s 4Q Benefits from Lower Expenses, but Revenue Growth Remains Elusive
- DBRS: UnionBanCal’s 4Q13 Positive Adj. Operating Leverage; Solid Loan & Deposit Growth
- DBRS Lowers Banco Espírito Santo’s Sr Debt to BB (low); Ratings Remain UR-Negative
- DBRS Rates CIBC Convertible Preferred Shares with OSFI NVCC Declaration Trigger Pfd-2
- DBRS: Astoria’s 1Q14 Earnings Increase QoQ Following Change in NY State Tax Legislation
- DBRS: BNY Mellon; Solid YoY Revenue Growth, but Equity Investment Loss Hurts 4Q13 Results
- DBRS: Comerica Incorporated’s 4Q13 Earnings Negatively Impacted by Adverse Jury Verdict
- DBRS: M&T’s 1Q14 Earnings Improved QoQ, Driven By a 4Q13 Litigation-related Accrual
- DBRS: Northern Trust’s 1Q14 Results Reflect Positive Operating Leverage Both QoQ & YoY
- DBRS Places Co-operative Bank’s BB LT Rating Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS: DZ BANK Reports Strong Rise in Earnings Helped by Reversals of Impairment Losses
- DBRS Changes and Discontinues Various CitiFinancial Credit Company and Associates Ratings
- DBRS Confirms Associated Banc-Corp at BBB; Maintains Positive Trend Then Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS Discontinues Rating KeyCorp’s Non-Cumulative Perpetual Convertible Preferred Stock
- DBRS: E*TRADE Demonstrates Underlying Earnings Momentum and Improves Financial Flexibility
- DBRS: NYCB’s 4Q13 Earnings Increase QoQ on Balance Sheet Growth and Reduced Credit Costs
- DBRS: BNPP’s Q1 2014 Still Solid Fundamentals; Revenues Stable, Expenses Down
- DBRS: UBS Results Show Continued Momentum; Legacy Headwinds Receding, Capital Strong
- DBRS: Initiates Ratings for Crédit Logement S.A. – Issuer Rating at AA; Stable Trend
- DBRS: BOK Financial’s 1Q14 Earnings Up QoQ On Lower Expenses; Sustained Avg. Loan Growth
- DBRS: JPM 4Q Earnings Remain Pressured by Legal Expenses Despite Solid Underlying Returns
- DBRS: NYCB’s 2Q14 Earnings Increase QoQ on Higher Fee Income and Lower Income Tax Expense
- DBRS: RF 4Q Earnings Down On Large Contingent & Regulatory Item Accrual; Core Earnings Down
- DBRS: Regions 4Q13 Lower QoQ Earnings; But Positive Operating Leverage Adjusted For Charges
- DBRS: State Street Delivers Solid New Business Momentum in 4Q13; Pos. Op. Leverage for FY13
- DBRS Releases Updated Criteria for Bank Capital Securities with Ratings Impact
- DBRS: AIB Returns to Underlying Profit in 2013 but Elevated Impairments Lead to Net Loss
- DBRS: Associated’s 1Q14 Pre-tax Income Up, as Expense Discipline Outweighs Revenue Decline
- DBRS: Zions’ 2Q14 Earnings Up QoQ, Due to Higher Neg. Provisions For LLR; Core Earnings Up
- DBRS: BCP’ s Sr Notes Gteed by Portugal Confirmed at BBB (low), Trend Changed to Stable
- DBRS: Espírito Santo Financial Group's Ratings Downgraded to CC, Under Review - Negative
- DBRS: SG’s Quarterly Net Income Back to EUR 1 billion in 2Q14; Positive Trends Continue
- DBRS: BOK Financial’s 4Q13 Earnings Down QoQ On Higher Expenses; Sustained Avg. Loan Growth
- DBRS: HBAN’s 4Q Solid; Lower Mtg Bkg Income & Higher Spread Income; Loan and Deposit Growth
- DBRS: STT 3Q14 FX Charge Masks Core Positive Operating Leverage Resulting in Lower Net Income
- DBRS: State Street Reports Negative 1Q14 Operating Leverage Both QoQ & YoY on Higher Expenses
- DBRS: U.S. Bancorp 4Q13 Strong Performance, But Core Revenues Weaken In Difficult Environment
- DBRS: BNPP’s 2Q14 Loss, but Solid Underlying; Internal Control System Reinforced
- DBRS Confirms Crédit Agricole Ratings – Sr Long-Term Debt at AA (low); Trend Now Stable
- DBRS: SG Strategy Leverages Universal Banking Model; Q1 2014 Results Show Positive Trends
- DBRS Confirms Hancock Holding Company at A (low); Maintains Stable Trend and Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS: People’s United 2Q14 Operating Earnings Higher, Reflecting Positive Operating Leverage
- DBRS: SVB Financial’s 4Q13 Very Strong on Robust Growth and VC/PE-related Gains; Record FY13
- DBRS: Susquehanna’s 2Q14 Earnings Increase QoQ on Securities Gain, Lower Loan Loss Provision
- DBRS: Zions’ NI Down Due to Energy-Related Provision; Higher Expense Pressures Core Earnings
- DBRS: Ratings Impact of Updated Criteria on Bank Preferred and Preferred Hybrids in Canada
- DBRS Upgrades Huntington Bancshares Inc.’s Senior Debt to BBB (high); Changes Trend to Stable
- DBRS: BAC’s 2Q14 Positive Underlying Business Momentum Remains in the Shadow of Legacy Issues
- DBRS: BAC’s 3Q14 Positive Underlying Business Momentum Masked By Outsized Mortgage Settlement
- DBRS: BAC’s 4Q Revenue Declines but Good Expense Control with Strong Credit and Balance Sheet
- DBRS: Bank of Hawaii’s 4Q13 Solid Loan and Deposit Growth Contribute to Higher QoQ Net Income
- DBRS: M&T’s Lower 3Q14 QoQ Results Due to Lower Fee Income; Asset Growth Offsets Narrower NIM
- DBRS: PNC’s 3Q14 In-line With Expectations; NIM Remains Pressured & Avg QoQ Loan Growth Slows
- DBRS Downgrades Ratings of ESFG to “D” After Announced Request for Controlled Management
- DBRS: BBVA’s “A” Rating Confirmed Following Announcement of Catalunya Banc Acquisition
- DBRS: BES Reports 2013 Net Loss, Weak Economic Environment in Portugal Weighs on Performance
- DBRS Confirms Capital One Financial Corp. Issuer Rating at BBB (high), Revises Trend to Positive
- DBRS Places Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc. – Senior at BBB (high): Ratings Under Review Positive
- DBRS: Fifth Third’s 3Q14 Core Earnings Up Slightly QoQ; Sustained Loan Growth & Lower Adj. Exp
- DBRS: MUAH 2Q14 Earnings Up Substantially; Higher PCI-related NII, Core Loan Growth & Inv. Gains
- DBRS: Morgan Stanley Demonstrates Power of Diversified Business Model with Strong 1Q14 Results
- DBRS: PNC’s 2Q14 Results Remain Sound; Sustained Avg. Loan Growth and Higher Customer Activity
- DBRS: SunTrust Banks, Inc.’s Improved Performance Reflects Broad-based Loan and Revenue Growth
- DBRS: Wells Fargo’s Earnings Reflect Accelerating Organic Growth and Continued Bank Leadership
- DBRS: Wells Fargo’s Solid 2Q14 Results On Mortgage Banking, Brokerage, and Organic Loan Growth
- DBRS Confirms ICO’s Senior Unsecured Debt at A (low), Trend Changed to Stable from Negative
- DBRS: Bank of Ireland Reports Fall in Defaulted Loans but Higher Impairments Lead to Net Loss
- DBRS Confirms Astoria Financial Corporation at BBB; Maintains Stable Trend Then Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS Confirms Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. at “A”; Maintains Stable Trend and Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS Confirms VLY at A (low) Following 1st United Bancorp Acq. Announcement; Trend Remains Stable
- DBRS: Amex 2Q14 Earnings Up on Joint Venture Gain, Growth in Card Member Spending and Loan Growth
- DBRS: CIT’s 1Q14 Results Lower QoQ on Weaker Adjusted Revenues; Solid Growth in Funded Volumes
- DBRS: Citigroup 2Q14 Settlement Consumes Earnings As Legacy Issues Are Addressed; Revenues Weaker
- DBRS: Goldman 4Q Earnings Back on Track After Difficult FICC 3Q; Business Diversity, Cost Control
- DBRS: Legacy Issues a Challenge at Bank of America, Distracting from Positive Franchise Momentum
- DBRS: Northern Trust 4Q13 Solid Revenue Growth Marred by Legal Settlement & Higher Core Expenses
- DBRS: FirstMerit’s 4Q13 Earnings Up QoQ On Lower Merger Expense; Positive Operating Leverage
- DBRS Confirms Webster Financial Corporation at BBB; Maintains Stable Trend, Then Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS Discontinues Rating Webster Financial Corp’s Non-Cumulative Perpetual Convertible Pfd Stock
- DBRS: City National’s 1Q14 Balance Sheet Fundamentals Remain Strong; Earnings Down Modestly QoQ
- DBRS: GMF 3Q14 Results Lower QoQ Due to Shift in Asset Mix and Higher Provisioning on Asset Growth
- DBRS: JPM Results Reflect Diversity and Depth of Franchise Despite Weakness in CIB and Mtg Banking
- DBRS: People’s United Financial’s 1Q14 Has Solid Loan & Deposit Growth, but Lower QoQ Earnings
- DBRS: Webster’s Higher 1Q14 Earnings QoQ, Mostly Reflected its 4Q13 Volker Related OTTI Charge
- DBRS Confirms Irish Guaranteed LT Debt of Bank of Ireland at A (low); Trend Revised to Positive
- DBRS: Credit Suisse Shows 4Q13 Core Business Momentum, But Legacy Issues Impact Overall Results
- DBRS: Nationwide: Stronger profitability and CCDS issuance drives improvement in leverage ratio
- DBRS Confirms BB&T Corp Senior Debt at A (high) on Acquisition Announcement; Maintains Stable Trend
- DBRS Confirms BOK Financial Corporation at A (Low); Maintains Positive Trend Then Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS Confirms Bank of America After Mortgage Settlement – Senior at A (low), Trend Remains Stable
- DBRS Confirms Zions' Ratings after Volcker Rule Impact Announcement; Sr. at BBB (low); Stable trend
- DBRS assigns an A (low) rating to Northern Trust Corporation Series C Preferred Stock; Trend Stable
- DBRS: COF 3Q14 Earnings Down; Pos Operating Leverage, but LLP up with Loan Growth and Delinquencies
- DBRS: FMER Higher QoQ Earnings In-line with Expectations; Lower Prov and Exp, Sustained Loan Growth
- DBRS: FMER’s Higher QoQ Earnings Reflect Fee Income Improvement, Lwr Costs, Sustained Loan Growth
- DBRS: Fifth Third’s 4Q Core Earnings Down Moderately on Higher Adj. Exp & Modest Avg. Loan Growth
- DBRS: Key 3Q14 - Fundamentals still solid; sustained loan growth, but Non-core Items impact results
- DBRS: M&T’s Improved QoQ Results Reflect Higher Mortgage Banking Inc. & Earn. Assets; Lower Exp.
- DBRS: Morgan Stanley 4Q Earnings Demonstrate Stability of Wealth Management and Strong IB Franchise
- DBRS: Valley National’s 4Q13 Imp. Balance Sheet Fundamentals; Net Income Helped by Non-core Gains
- DBRS Confirms National Australia Bank at AA; Trend Stable. Sub Debt Under Review Negative
- DBRS Assigns First time Ratings to Abanca – Senior Long-Term Debt at BBB (low); Positive Trend
- DBRS Places Banco Espírito Santo’s BBB (low) Ratings Under Review with Negative Implications
- DBRS: BCP Q1 2014 Losses Lower on Expense Reduction, Improved NII; Asset Quality Concerns Remain
- DBRS: PTSB Trend Remains Neg after Stress Test Results; Non-Gteed LT Debt Confirmed at BB (low)
- DBRS: BB&T’s 3Q14 Underlying Earnings and Fundamentals Remain Solid, Excluding Some Non-Core Items
- DBRS: BNY Mellon 2Q14 Earnings Hurt by Non-core Items; Delivers Adjusted Positive Operating Leverage
- DBRS: COF’s 1Q14 Earnings Up, Reflecting Positive Operating Leverage and Lower Loan Loss Provision
- DBRS: Comerica's 2Q14 Earnings Strengthen Reflecting Positive Op. Leverage & Broad-based Loan Growth
- DBRS: E*TRADE 3Q14 Earnings Up on Lower Expenses & Provisions; Financial Flexibility Cont to Improve
- DBRS: JPM 3Q14 Revenues Strong Across Key Businesses; Elevated Legal Expenses Pressure Bottom Line
- DBRS: JPMorgan Chase’s 4Q13 Earnings Remain Pressured by Legal/Reg. Costs; Revenues More Resilient
- DBRS: Regions Earnings Up QoQ on Lwr Expenses & Provisions; Revenue Contracts Reflecting Seasonality
- DBRS: STT Sec Lending Outperforms, New Business Drive Improved 2Q14 NI; Higher Compliance Costs Loom
- DBRS: U.S. Bancorp 4Q Financial Performance with Organic Growth Continues to Outperform the Industry
- DBRS Confirms Irish Guaranteed LT Debt of permanent tsb plc at A (low); Trend Revised to Positive
- DBRS Provisionally Rates CIBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares Pfd-2, Stable
- DBRS Confirms First Midwest Bancorp, Inc. at BBB (low); Maintains Stable Trend and Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS: Comerica’s 3Q14 Balance Sheet Fundamentals Remain Favorable; Higher Net Income From Debt Gain
- DBRS: Goldman’s Earnings Demonstrate Benefits of Well-Diversified, Global Capital Markets Business
- DBRS: HBAN’s QoQ Core Earnings (IBPT) Up Reflecting An Unexpected Loan Pay-off and Avg. Loan Growth
- DBRS: Huntington’s Lower QoQ Earnings Reflect the Non-recurrence of a 3Q13 Pension Curtailment Gain
- DBRS: PNC 4Q Solid; Revenues Pressured by Narrowing NIM; Expenses Well Managed; Strong Balance Sheet
- DBRS: UB’s Earnings Down QoQ Driven by Margin Pressure, Despite Lwr Expenses; Credit Remains Strong
- DBRS Downgrades Credit Suisse Group to A (high), Credit Suisse AG to AA (low), Trend Now Stable
- DBRS Confirms LT Gteed Debt of National Asset Management Ltd at A (low); Trend Revised to Positive
- DBRS Places Certain Subordinated Debt of 23 European Banks Under Review With Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) rating to American Express’s Noncum. Preferred Shares, Series B; Tr. Stable
- DBRS Confirms People’s United Financial, Inc. at A (low); Maintains Stable Trend - Withdraws Ratings
- DBRS: BNY Mellon’s 3Q14 Earnings Bolstered by Asset Sales; Adjusted Earnings Higher Both QoQ and YoY
- DBRS: Bank of Hawaii’s 1Q14 Earnings Down Modestly QoQ, Lower Mtg Bkg and Seasonally Higher Expenses
- DBRS: ETFC’s Debt Transaction Improves Financial Flexibility; Lowers Funding Costs & Parent Leverage
- DBRS: Fifth Third’s Adj Earnings Down QoQ, due to Lower Mortgage Income and Deposit Service Charges
- DBRS: Fifth Third’s Earnings Up QoQ, due to Vantiv Stock Gains; Solid Loan Growth & Lower Adj. Exp
- DBRS: GS’s Revenues Demonstrate Well-Positioned Global Businesses; Improved Leverage with BS Decline
- DBRS: KeyCorp’s 1Q14 Earnings Improved QoQ, Reflecting Lower Expenses and Provisions For Loan Losses
- DBRS: Morgan Stanley 3Q Earnings Reflect Cont’d Momentum in WM and Solid Sales & Trading Performance
- DBRS: People’s United Financial’s 4Q13 Delivers Robust Loan Growth; but Hurt by Neg. Op. Leverage
- DBRS: SIVB’s Strong 4Q Driven by Continued Robust Growth and Higher Gains on Warrants and Securities
- DBRS: VLY’s 1Q14 Earnings Dwn QoQ Primarily Reflecting One-time Gains in 4Q13; Loan Growth Continues
- DBRS Downgrades Credit Suisse Group to AA (low), Confirms Credit Suisse AG at AA, Trend Negative
- DBRS Confirms Santander Totta at BBB (high), Trend Now Stable, After SAN Confirm at “A”, Stable
- DBRS Finalizes Provis. Rating on RBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares at Pfd-2
- DBRS Provisionally Rates RBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares at Pfd-2, Stable
- DBRS: BES' s Unsubordinated Notes Gteed by Portugal Confirmed at BBB (low), Trend Changed to Stable
- DBRS: Bank of Ireland’s Progress Continues, BBB (high) Rating Underpinned by Capital Transactions
- DBRS: Espírito Santo Financial Group’s Ratings Downgraded to B, Placed Under Review – Negative
- DBRS: Improved Retail Banking Performance and Lower Impairments Drive Solid Q1 Results for ING Bank
- DBRS: Nationwide Meets PRA Leverage Ratio Requirement Due to Improved Earnings and Capital Issuance
- DBRS: Santander NI Recovery in 2013; International Franchise Continues to Support Group Performance
- DBRS: Goldman’s Revenues Supported by Business Diversity; 1Q Highlights: IB Leadership, IM Momentum
- DBRS Confirms Westpac at AA; Trend Stable. Sub Debt Placed Under Review, Negative Implications
- DBRS Confirms Irish Gteed LT Debt of Allied Irish Banks p.l.c. at A (low); Trend Revised to Positive
- DBRS: BPE Q1 NII Pressured with Deleveraging Despite Higher NIM; Lower NPLs Signal Reverse in Trends
- DBRS: Net Interest Income Growth Drives ABN AMRO’s Q1 Results; Impairment Charges Remain Elevated
- DBRS: Sabadell reports strong 4Q13 NI Growth; deteriorating asset quality, pressured margins concern
- DBRS: M&T’s Lower QoQ Earnings Reflect Costs Assoc. with Inv. in BSA/AML Compl. and other Initiatives
- DBRS: Credit Suisse 1Q Strategic Results Solid and Show Momentum in PB&WM; Legacy Headwinds Remain
- DBRS Confirms CaixaBank’s Gov’t Guaranteed Debt at A (low); Trend Changed to Stable from Negative
- DBRS Downgrades Bank of America’s Sr. Debt to A (low); ST to R-1 (low) Following Removal of Support
- DBRS: Credit Suisse Strategic Franchise Remains Resilient with 2Q14 Loss Driven by US Tax Settlement
- DBRS Assigns Rating of ‘A’ to American Express Company’s Subordinated Notes Due 2024; Trend Stable
- DBRS Downgrades Citigroup’s Senior Debt to A (low); ST to R-1 (low) Following Removal of Support
- DBRS Assigns Final Rating to TD’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares of Pfd-2, Stable
- DBRS Confirms Banco Cooperativo Español – Senior Long-Term Debt at BBB (high); Trend changed to Stb
- DBRS Confirms Ratings for Société Générale, S.A. – Sr Long-Term Debt at AA (low); Negative Trend
- DBRS Downgrades Belfius’ Senior Debt to A (low); ST to R-1 (low) Following Removal of Belgian Floor
- DBRS Rates 414 Members of Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe’s Joint Liability Scheme at A (high), Stable Trend
- DBRS: BES’s Ratings Confirmed at BBB (low) Negative Trend; Intrinsic Assessment Lowered to BBB (low)
- DBRS: BNP Paribas (Canada) Trend Remains Neg After BNPP’s US Settlement; Sr. LT Debt Confirmed at AA
- DBRS Confirms ANZ Senior at AA; Trend Stable. Sub Debt Placed Under Review, Negative Implications
- DBRS Confirms Commonwealth Bank at AA; Trend Stable. Sub Debt Under Review, Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns Final Rating to CWB’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares of Pfd-3, Stable
- DBRS Lowers Banco Espírito Santo’s Sub Debt to B (high); Senior BBB (low) Ratings Remain UR-Negative
- DBRS Confirms Banco Coop. Espanol’s Gov’t Gtd Debt at A (low); Trend Changed to Stable from Negative
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Rating to TD’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares of Pfd-2, Stable
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Rating to CWB’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares of Pfd-3, Stable
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to BNP Paribas Canada Branch; Senior Debt at AA, S-T R-1 (High), Negative Trend
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Rating to RBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Subordinated Debt of A (low), Stable
- DBRS Finalizes Provisional Rating on CIBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares at Pfd-2, Stable
- DBRS Provisionally Rates Bank of Montreal’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares at Pfd-2, Stable
- DBRS Provisionally Rates National Bank’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares Pfd-2 (low), Stable
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Rating of A (low), Stable to CIBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Subordinated Debt
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Rating of A (low), Stable, to BMO’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Subordinated Debt
- DBRS Finalizes Provisional Rating on RBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Subordinated Debt of A (low), Stable
- DBRS Upgrades Laurentian Bank Long-Term Ratings to A (low), Confirms Short-Term Rating at R-1 (low), Stable Trends
- DBRS Finalizes Rating of National Bank’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares at Pfd-2 (low), Stable
- DBRS Finalizes Provisional Rating of A (low), Stable on CIBC’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Subordinated Debt
- DBRS Finalizes Provisional Rating of A (low), Stable, on BMO’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Subordinated Debt
- DBRS Provisionally Rates Laurentian Bank’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares Pfd-3 (low), Positive
- DBRS Assigns Final Rating to Laurentian Bank’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares of Pfd-3 (low), Positive
- DBRS Finalizes Provisional Rating on Bank of Montreal’s Non-Viability Contingent Capital Preferred Shares at Pfd-2, Stable
- Kent Wideman
Managing Director, Global Esoteric Finance - Internal Audit
+(1) 416 597 7535 - Roger Lister
Managing Director, Chief Credit Officer - Global FIG and Sovereign Ratings
+1 212 806 3231 - Alan G. Reid
Group Managing Director, Global Head of Fundamental Ratings - Credit Ratings Leadership
+(1) 212 806 3232
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