Operational Risk Assessment for European Structured Finance Servicers (Archived)
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Press Release:
- DBRS Confirms E-Arena B.V.
- DBRS Confirms BEST 2010 B.V.
- DBRS Confirms BEST 2010 B.V.
- DBRS Upgrades Driver Nine GmbH
- DBRS Confirms Driver Eleven GmbH
- DBRS Upgrades Monviso 2013 S.r.l.
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on VCL 16
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on VCL 17
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on VCL 18
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Bumper NL B.V.
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Essence V B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to BBVA RMBS 11
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Asti PMI S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Foncaixa Leasings 2, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Private Driver 2013-1 UG
- DBRS Confirms Private Driver 2013-2 UG
- DBRS Upgrades Bankia PYME I FTA Rating
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Creso 2 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Driver Ten GmbH
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Hipocat 17, FTA
- DBRS Takes Rating Action on BBVA RMBS 10
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to iARENA B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Hipocat 18, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Hipocat 19, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Gallerie 2013 S.r.l.
- DBRS Releases Report for Gallerie 2013 S.R.L.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Berica ABS S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Driver Eight GmbH
- DBRS Confirms Sunrise S.r.l. - Series 2009
- DBRS Confirms Sunrise S.r.l. - Series 2012
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on MBSCAT 1, FTA
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Voba 5 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Bumper CARS NL B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Rating to Bumper Cars NL B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Arena 2007-I B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Thrones 2013-1 Plc
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to IM CFS RMBS 1, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Gemgarto 2012-1 Plc
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Berica ABS 2 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Azor Mortgages No.2
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Consumer One S.r.l.
- DBRS Takes Rating Action on VCL Transactions
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Salina Leasing S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Florence SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Orange Lion VII B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Padovana RMBS S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Auto ABS 2012-3, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Auto ABS 2012-3, FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on BBVA RMBS 9, FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Marche M6 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to IBL CQS 2013 srl
- DBRS Confirms Rating to Green FCT Lease 2012-1
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of FONCAIXA PYMES 4, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Red & Black Consumer France 2013
- DBRS Upgrades the Ratings on IM Cajamar 5, FTA
- DBRS Upgrades the Ratings on IM Cajamar 6, FTA
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Vela RMBS S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Claris ABS 2011 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Rating of Consumer One S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings of Arianna SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings of IM Tarjetas 1, FTA
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Arianna SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Monviso 2014
- DBRS Confirms Private Driver España 2013-1, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Nostrum Mortgages No. 2
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to IM Citi Tarjetas 1, FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on 24-7 Finance S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to Quarzo Lease S.r.l.
- DBRS Upgrades Class A of Leasetotta No.1 Limited
- DBRS Assigns Final Rating to Temese Funding 2 PLC
- DBRS Confirms NORIA 2009 Compartment NORIA 2009-A
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of CR VOLTERRA 2 SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Rural Hipotecario X, FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on IBL CQS 2013 S.r.l.
- DBRS Downgrades Class A Notes of ResLoc IT S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Claris RMBS 2014 Srl
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Madeleine SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to E-CARAT 4 plc
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to FCT Opera 2014
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on BBVA Cedulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on BPE Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on CRU Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on BBVA Consumo 3 F.T.A.
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on BBVA Consumo 4 F.T.A.
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Private Driver 2012-1
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Private Driver 2012-2
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings of Moda 2014 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Final Rating to Carismi Finance S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to FTA PYMES SANTANDER 8
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to FTA PYMES SANTANDER 9
- DBRS Confirms Class A Rating of Aqua Mortgage No. 1
- DBRS Confirms KMU Portfolio S.A, Compartment 2009-1
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Quadrivio RMBS 2013 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Rural Hipotecario XI, FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Rating on Valsabbina SPV 1 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to ICCREA SME CART S.r.l.
- DBRS Upgrades Driver France FCT Compartiment 2013-1
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Cape Funding No. 1 Plc
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Chestnut Financing Plc
- DBRS Confirms Rating to FTA Santander Financiacion 5
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Fishbowl Master Issuer B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Goldfish Master Issuer B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Rural Hipotecario XII, FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Siena Lease 11-1 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to Bocage Mortgages No. 1
- DBRS Assigns Final Rating to Dominato Leonense S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns New Ratings to Tricolore 2014 SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Moda 2014 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Credico Finance 8 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Credico Finance 9 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Driver Twelve GmbH
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Thrones 2014-1 Plc
- DBRS Confirms Cars Alliance Auto Loans France F 2012-1
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Oceanarium Master Issuer B.V.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings of Adriano Lease Sec. S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings of Adriano Lease Sec. S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Credico Finance 10 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Credico Finance 12 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Phoenix Funding 2 Limited
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Phoenix Funding 2 Limited
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Phoenix Funding 5 Limited
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to Castilho Mortgages No. 1
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on SC Germany Consumer 2013-1 UG
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to FTA PYMES SANTANDER 10
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Credico Finance 15 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Mars 2600 S.r.l. Series 5
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Quadrivio SME 2014 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Berica ABS 3 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany V 2013-1
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Private Driver 2011-3 GmbH
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Private Driver 2012-3 GmbH
- DBRS Upgrades Consumer Auto Receivables Finance Limited
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Autopia Finance UK Limited
- DBRS Assigns New Ratings to Fastnet Securities 3 Limited
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Rating to RMBS Santander 1, FTA
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to FTA RMBS Santander 2
- DBRS Confirms Class A of Lusitano Mortgages No.7 Limited
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Candide Financing 2007 NHG B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Cassa Centrale Finance 3 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Locat SV S.r.l. – Series 2011
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Grecale ABS S.r.l. – Series 6
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings to Thrones 2014-1 Plc
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Private Driver Transactions
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to BPM Securitisation 3 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns New Ratings to Fastnet Securities 10 Limited
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to FTA PYMES SANTANDER 8
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to FTA PYMES SANTANDER 9
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Foncaixa PYMES 5, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Banco Popular Español Cedulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Berica 10 Residential MBS S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to TS Lago One GmbH - Class A Notes
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings to Berica ABS 3 S.r.l.
- DBRS Takes Ratings Action on FTA, Santander Hipotecario 7
- DBRS Takes Ratings Action on FTA, Santander Hipotecario 8
- DBRS Takes Ratings Action on FTA, Santander Hipotecario 9
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Chestnut Financing Plc
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on BPL Mortgages S.r.l. – Series V
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings of Quarzo S.r.l. – Series 2013
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to Auto ABS2 Compartiment 2013-A
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Rating to RMBS Santander 1, FTA
- DBRS Finalizes Provisional Ratings of Gallerie 2013 S.r.l.
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on B-Arena NV/SA - Compartment 3
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to 2014 Popolare Bari SME S.R.L.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Claris RMBS 2014 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on FCT Marsollier Mortgages Notes
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Secucor Finance 2013-I Limited
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings of Foncaixa PYMES 5, FTA
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings on Sunrise S.r.l. 2014-2
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings to FTA RMBS Santander 2
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to 2013 Popolare Bari RMBS S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Deco 2014-Gondola S.R.L.
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings of FTA PYMES SANTANDER 10
- DBRS Assigns New Ratings to Auto ABS3 FCT Compartiment 2014-1
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Mars 2600 S.r.l. Series 5
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Quadrivio SME 2014 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Rating of FCT Oneycord, Compartiment Oneycord 1
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Sagres STC (Pelican Mortgages No. 4)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Sagres STC (Pelican Mortgages No. 5)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Sagres STC (Pelican Mortgages No. 6)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of TAGUS – STC, S.A. (EnergyOn No. 1)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of TAGUS – STC, S.A. (EnergyOn No. 2)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Banco Sabadell Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Bavarian Sky S.A., Compartment 3
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Deco 2014-Tulip Limited
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to BPL Mortgages S.r.l., Series VII
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Rating to Rural Hipotecario XVII, FTA
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Bumper 6 (NL) Finance B.V.
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Auto ABS Italian Loans Master SRL
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Malatesta Finance S.r.l. - Series 2012
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Residential Mortgage Securities 27 Plc
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on the Notes of PCL Funding I Limited
- DBRS Confirms Golden Bar (Securitisation) S.r.l. - Series 2012-1
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Class A Notes Issued by Essence IV B.V.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Atlantes Mortgage No. 2 - Class A Notes
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Atlantes Mortgage No. 3 - Class A Notes
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Atlantes Mortgage No. 4 - Class A Notes
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Atlantes Mortgage No. 5 - Class A Notes
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Atlantes Mortgage No. 7 - Class A Notes
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Rating to Rural Hipotecario XVII, FTA
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to VCL 19
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to VCL 20
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings on Bumper 6 (NL) Finance B.V.
- DBRS Upgrades Golden Bar (Securitisation) S.r.l. - Series 2011-2
- DBRS Upgrades Rating on Banco Pastor Cédulas Hipotecarias to AA
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on BBVA Covered Bond Programme to AA (low)
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Taurus CMBS UK 2014-1 Limited
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Santander Totta Covered Bonds Programme
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Rayo Finance Ireland (No. 1) Limited
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to Cars Alliance Warehouse Italy S.r.l.
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings of Glacier Securities Limited Series 2011-2
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Sunrise S.r.l. – Series 2014
- DBRS Assigns ‘A (low)’ Ratings to Bankia Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Assigns ‘A’ Ratings to Banco Pastor Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Securitisation of Catalogue Assets Limited
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on the Notes Issued by FTA PYMES SANTANDER 6
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to FCT Oneycord, Compartiment Oneycord 1
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Assigned to Monviso 2014 S.R.L.
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Notes Issued by Mespil 1 RMBS Limited
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Newstone Mortgage Securities No. 1 Plc
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Sunrise S.r.l. – Series 2014-2
- DBRS Assigns ‘A’ (low) Rating to Liberbank Cedulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Mars 2600 S.r.l. – Series 4 (2012) S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to FCT Cars Alliance Auto Loans France V2012-1
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to FCT Cars Alliance Auto Loans France V2012-1
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings of the Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 5 FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on the Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 6 FTA
- DBRS Assigns BBB Rating to Caja Rural de Granada Cedulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Driver UK Multi-Compartment S.A.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on BBVA RMBS 5 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Volta Electricity Receivables Securitisation
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings on Taurus CMBS UK 2014-1 Limited
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Private Driver 2014-1 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Private Driver 2014-2 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Private Driver 2014-3 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- DBRS Publishes Updated Methodology for Assessing European SF Servicers
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Golden Bar (Securitisation) S.r.l. 2014-1
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Caixa Geral de Depositos Covered Bond Programme
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Banco Popular Portugal Covered Bonds Programme
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Rating Previously Assigned to FCT Opera 2014
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings to Driver UK Multi-Compartment S.A.
- DBRS Ratings Limited assigns Provisional Ratings to BBVA Consumo 6, FTA
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Westfield Stratford City Finance PLC
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Banco Sabadell Cedulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to the Class B Notes Issued by Madeleine SPV S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on BBVA RMBS 12, Fondo de Titulización de Activos
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on MondoMutui Cariparma S.r.l. – Series 2012
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to E-CARAT 4 plc
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Banco Sabadell Cédulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Class A Notes Issued by Credico Finance 14 S.r.l.
- DBRS Upgrades Banco de Investimento Imobiliário Covered Bonds Programme
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Banco Sabadell Cédulas Hipotecarias to AA (low)
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Newstone Mortgage Securities No. 1 Plc
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Caixa Geral de Depósitos Covered Bonds Programme
- DBRS Discontinues the Ratings on the Notes issued by Siena SME 11-1 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Two Series Of Notes In BBVA RMBS 13 FTA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Record Lion NV/SA - Compartment Record Lion RMBS I
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France V 2014-1
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to IRS Payments of TAGUS – STC, S.A. (EnergyOn No. 1)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on IM Sabadell RMBS 2 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on IM Sabadell RMBS 3 Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to SC Germany Auto 2013-2 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- DBRS Extends its Review on the Notes Issued by B-Arena NV/SA - Compartment 3
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to Driver Twelve GmbH
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Banco Popular Español Covered Bond Programme to AA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings of Belgian Lion NV/SA-Compartment Belgian Lion RMBS II
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Banco Commercial Português Covered Bond Programme
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings to Two Series of Notes in BBVA RMBS 13 FTA
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cajas Rurales Unidas Cedulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on the Notes Issued by B-Arena NV/SA - Compartment 3
- DBRS Assigns New Rating to Banco Sabadell Cedulas Hipotecarias New Covered Bond
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Caixa Economica Montepio Geral Covered Bonds Programme
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Rural Hipotecario XV, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Aggregator of Loans Backed by Assets (A.L.B.A.) 2012-1
- DBRS Downgrades the Ratings on Penates Funding N.V./S.A. -Compartment Penates-4
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings on FTA Santander Consumer Spain Auto 2014-1
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Cajas Rurales Unidas Cédulas Hipotecarias to A (high)
- DBRS Upgrades and Confirms Ratings on the Notes Issued by FTA PYMES SANTANDER 7
- DBRS Assigns A (low) Rating to Santander Totta Covered Bonds Programme Series 11
- DBRS Assigns A (low) Rating to Santander Totta Covered Bonds Programme Series 12
- DBRS Assigns A (low) Rating to Santander Totta Covered Bonds Programme Series 13
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Banco Popular Español Cedulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Rural Hipotecario XIV, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Rural Hipotecario XVI, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Asset-Backed Securitisation Transaction Four S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings to SC Germany Vehicles 2013-1 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- DBRS Discontinues Rating on the Series A Notes issued by Empresas Banesto 6, FTA
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Series A Notes issued by BBVA Empresas 6 FTA
- DBRS Upgrades Rating on Caja Rural de Granada Covered Bond Programme to A (high)
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Banco Popular Español Cédulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Banco Popular Español Cédulas Hipotecarias New Issuance
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Aggregator of Loans Backed by Assets (A.L.B.A.) 2011-RP1
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Series A Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 3 FTA
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to VCL Master Residual Value S.A. - Compartment 1
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014 Class A
- DBRS Finalises Ratings Assigned to Volta II Electricity Receivables Securitisation
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Bavarian Sky S.A. – Compartment German Auto Loans 1
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Liberbank Cédulas Hipotecarias to A (high) from A (low)
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Paragon Sixth Funding Limited Secured Credit Facility
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Volta II Electricity Receivables Securitisation
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes of Marche M5 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms the Rating of IBL CQS S.r.l. – Public Transaction – Series 2012-2
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Class A Notes issued by Asti Finance PMI S.r.l.
- DBRS Places Banco Espirito Santo Covered Bonds Under Review, Negative Implications
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-4 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-5 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-8 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-9 Class A
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Ayt Goya Hipotecario V Class A Notes and Class B Notes, FTA
- DBRS Confirms the A (sf) Rating on the Series of Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 4 FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on IBL CQS S.r.l. – Public Transaction – Series 2012-2
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Class A Notes issued by Dolomiti Mortgage S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) Ratings to Abanca Corporación Bancaria Cédulas Hipotecarias
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Tagus - Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S.A.
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-13 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Rating to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-14 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2013-15 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-01 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-12 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-6 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-7 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-8 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-9 Class A
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes of Alchera SPV S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Ayt Goya Hipotecario IV Class A Notes and Class B Notes, FTA
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to Charles Street Conduit Asset Backed Securitisation 1 Limited
- DBRS Confirms the AAA (sf) Rating on the Series A Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 2 FTA
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on IBL CQS S.r.l. – Private Transaction – Series 2012-1
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on IBL CQS S.r.l. – Private Transaction – Series 2012-1
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-11 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-12 Class A
- DBRS Assigns ‘A’ (low) Rating to Santander Totta Covered Bonds Programme Series 11
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Notes issued by FTA PYMES BANESTO 3 and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Class A1 Notes issued by Quadrivio SME 2014 S.r.l.
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Series A Notes issued by FTA SANTANDER EMPRESAS 10
- DBRS Upgrades Rating on Class A Notes of Icaro Finance S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Abanca Corporación Bancaria Cédulas Hipotecarias to A (high)
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Notes Issued by GAMMA - STC, SA (ATLANTES SME No. 4)
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-10/11 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Golden Bar (Securitisation) S.r.l. – Series 2014-2 Class A2/B2
- DBRS Confirms A (low) (sf) Rating on the Class A Notes issued by UBI SPV BBS 2012 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Notes Issued by BERICA PMI S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on the Notes Issued by Impresa ONE S.r.l., Following Amendment
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Class A2 Notes issued by BPM Securitisation 2 S.r.l.
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to Sunrise S.r.l. – Series 2014
- DBRS Places Banco Comercial Português Covered Bonds Under Review, Negative Implications
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Bankia Cédulas Hipotecarias Covered Bond Programme to A (high)
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Santander Totta Covered Bond Programme to “A” from A (low)
- DBRS Assigns BBB (high) Rating to Banco Popular Portugal Covered Bonds Programme Series 5
- DBRS Assigns ‘A’ Rating to Caixa Geral de Depositos Covered Bonds Programme Series 16
- DBRS Confirms A (low) (sf) Rating on the Class A Notes issued by UBI SPV BPCI 2012 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Notes Issued by Impresa One S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Assigns Final Ratings to Class A Notes Issued by GAMMA - STC, SA (ATLANTES SME No. 3)
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Asset-Backed European Securitisation Transaction Seven S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms A (high) (sf) Rating on the Class A Notes issued by Credico Finance 14 S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes of BCC SME Finance 1 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by FTPYME TDA CAM 7, F.T.A. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Upgrades from AA (sf) to AAA (sf) the Rating on the Class A Notes of Marche M5 S.r.l.
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master, Series 2014-18 Class A Notes
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master, Series 2014-19 Class A Notes
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany Master Series 2014-10 Class A Notes
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes issued by SME Grecale S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Notes issued by IM FTPYME SABADELL 9, FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on the Notes issued by FTA PYMES SANTANDER 3 and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on the Notes issued by FTA PYMES SANTANDER 5 and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Notes Issued by Siena SME 11-1 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Intesa Sanpaolo Covered Bond Programme Guaranteed by ISP OBG S.r.l. at A (high)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank Mortgage Covered Securities Programme
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Notes issued by FONCAIXA AUTÓNOMOS 1, FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Notes issued by IM CAJAMAR EMPRESAS 5, FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Ratings Limited Assigns Final Ratings to SC Germany Auto 2014-2 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- DBRS Ratings Limited Assigns Provisional Ratings to FTA Santander Consumer Spain Auto 2014-1
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Series A Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 2 FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Notes of BELGIAN LION NV/SA (BELGIAN LION SME II) and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Upgrades Rating on the Class A Notes of Asti Finance PMI S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Banco Popular Portugal Covered Bond Programme to BBB (high) from BBB
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes issued by Estense S.M.E. S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A2 Notes of BPM Securitisation 2 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Series of Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 4 FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating to Tagus-Sociedade de Titularizacao de Creditos, S.A. (Aqua Finance No. 3)
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by BBVA-9 PYME FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by FONCAIXA PYMES 3, FTA and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Upgrades Rating on Series A2 (G) Notes issued by FTPYME TDA CAM 9, FTA and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Class A Notes Issued by GAMMA - STC, SA (ATLANTES SME No. 3)
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes issued by Claris SME 2012 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Notes Issued by 2012 POPOLARE BARI SME S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Ratings Limited has assigned Ratings to Koromo S.A., acting in respect of its Compartment 2
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes issued by UBI SPV BBS 2012 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A-2013 Notes of BPL Mortgages S.r.l., Series VI and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Notes issued by IM CAJA LABORAL EMPRESAS 1, FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Notes of GAMMA - STC, S.A. (ATLANTES SME No. 2) and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by EMPRESAS BANESTO 5, FTA and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by EMPRESAS BANESTO 6, FTA and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Ratings Limited Assigns Final Ratings to SC Germany Consumer 2014-1 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- DBRS Assigns “A” Rating to Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Programme 2 Covered Bonds Series 15
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes issued by Dolomiti Mortgage S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes issued by UBI SPV BPCI 2012 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A-2013 Notes of BPL Mortgages S.r.l., Series VI, Following Amendment
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Series A2(G) Notes issued by IM FTPYME SABADELL 7, FTA and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Class A Notes issued by GAMMA - STC, S.A. (ATLANTES SME No. 2)
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France V 2014-1
- DBRS Assigns A (high) Rating to Intesa Sanpaolo Covered Bond Programme Guaranteed by ISP OBG S.r.l.
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Class A Notes issued by Quadrivio SME 2012 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on the Class A Notes Issued by UBI SPV BPA 2012 S.r.l. and Removes UR-Negative
- DBRS Confirms Ratings on Notes issued by IM GRUPO BANCO POPULAR EMPRESAS V, FTA and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 5 FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by BBVA EMPRESAS 6 FTA and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by FTA SANTANDER EMPRESAS 10 and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on Notes issued by GC FTPYME SABADELL 8, FTA and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Confirms and Upgrades Ratings on the Notes issued by FTA PYMES SANTANDER 4 and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to Cars Alliance Auto Loans Germany V 2013-1
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Series 2012-2-A Notes issued by Civitas SPV S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Confirms Rating on the Class A Notes Issued by IM BCG RMBS 2, Fondo de Titulización de Activos
- DBRS Discontinues the Rating on the Class A Notes issued by Sagres – STC, S.A. (Pelican SME No. 1)
- DBRS Takes Rating Actions on Covered Bonds Following Resolution of BES, Creation of Novo Banco, S.A.
- DBRS Upgrades Rating on Class A Notes of Etruria Securitisation SPV S.r.l. and Removes UR-Developing
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Asset-Backed Securitisation Transaction Ten Srl (“A-BEST 10”)
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank Mortgage Covered Securities Programme, Series 46
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-2 and Series 2014-3 Class A
- DBRS Assigns Ratings to Cars Alliance Auto Loans France Master Series 2014-6 and Series 2014-7 Class A
- DBRS Confirms Rating on the Notes issued by SAGRES – STC, S.A. (Douro SME No. 2) and Removes UR-Dev.
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings on Fondo de Titulización del Déficit del Sistema Eléctrico (FADE), F.T.A.
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Asset-Backed Securitisation Transaction Nine S.r.l. (“A-BEST 9”)
- DBRS Confirms Rating on GAMMA - Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S.A. (Atlantes Finance No. 6)
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to VCL Master Residual Value S.A. - Compartment 1
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to SAGRES – Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S.A. Douro Mortgages No. 4
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to SAGRES – Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S.A. Douro Mortgages No. 5
- DBRS Confirms, Removes from UR-Dev. and Places UR-Neg. Rating on Class A Notes of UBI SPV BPA 2012 S.r.l.
- DBRS Keeps Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Programme 2 Covered Bonds Under Review, Negative Implications
- DBRS Places Banco Commercial Português Covered Bonds Programme Under Review with Developing Implications
- DBRS Ratings Limited Assigns Provisional Ratings to Bavarian Sky S.A. – Compartment German Auto Loans 2
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Caixa Ecónomica Montepio Geral Covered Bonds Programme to “A” from A (low)
- DBRS Confirms Rating on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Programme 2 Covered Bonds and Removes UR-Negative
- DBRS Places Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Programme 2 Covered Bonds Under Review, Negative Implications
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to SAGRES – Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S.A. Bocage Mortgages No. 2
- DBRS Ratings Limited Finalises Provisional Ratings to Bavarian Sky S.A. – Compartment German Auto Loans 2
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to Notes Issued by Fondo de Titulización de Activos (FTA) RMBS Santander 3
- DBRS Confirms the Ratings of the Class A and Class B Notes Issued by VCL Master Residual Value Compartment 1
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings on Notes Issued by Fondo de Titulización de Activos (FTA) RMBS Santander 3
- DBRS Discontinues the Ratings on Fishbowl Master Trust B.V., Series 2011-1 Class A3, Class A4 and Class A5 Notes
- DBRS Places Banco de Investimento Imobiliário Covered Bonds Programme Under Review with Developing Implications
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to VCL Multi-Compartment S.A. acting for and on behalf of its Compartment VCL 19
- DBRS Assigns Provisional Ratings to VCL Multi-Compartment S.A. acting for and on behalf of its Compartment VCL 20
- DBRS Upgrades Ratings on Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank Mortgage Covered Securities Programme to “A” from A (low)
- DBRS has Reviewed DFM MASTER S.A and Confirms the AAA (sf) Rating of the Class A Notes (2011-1, 2011-2, 2011-5, 2013-1)
- DBRS Confirms Ratings to DOMOS 2011, Compartment A – Class A1 Notes, Class A2 Notes and Compartment B – Class A Notes
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to Asset-Backed Securitisation Transaction Ten Srl (“A-BEST 10”)
- DBRS Finalises Provisional Ratings Previously Assigned to Asset-Backed Securitisation Transaction Nine S.r.l. (“A-BEST 9”)
- DBRS Ratings Limited Assigns Final Ratings to GAMMA - Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S.A. (Atlantes Finance No. 6)
- DBRS Confirms and Assigns New Ratings to Class A and Class B Notes Issued by Driver UK Master S.A. acting with respect to its Compartment 2
- DBRS Confirms the Rating of VCL Master Residual Value S.A.-1’s Existing Class A Series of Notes and Assigns New Ratings to the Newly-Issued Class A and Class B Series of Notes
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